Chapter 23 John Wick

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"Now, before we start, I wanted to make some changes," L said

"What changes?" Deku ask

"More or less return to the original" L snapped his fingers and the audience is transported to a familiar place

"Wait... Isn't this auditorium?" Deku said as he looked around

"Yeah, we are preparing to have a performance on the stage there" Uraraka replied pointing at the stage

"But where are all our properties?!" Mina screamed horrified that their hard work was missing

"Relax, this is in an alternate universe of your auditorium. I return here because this is our first viewing and to bring some people" L assured

The people in question are those who were a part of the first viewing but didn't appear for the first few multiverses of the second viewing. Those are; The Pussycats, Class 1-B, and the teachers, with Grand Torino

"Everyone!" Those in the second viewing greeted those who arrived

"It's good to see you again, sir" All Might greeted his mentor

"I was getting my taiyaki when I was sent to their dorm to watch more multiverses," Grand Torino said

"Yeah, we all were also the same" All Might smiled

"Kirishima!" Tetsutesu calls his rock brethren "I saw you as pilots. You're manly!"

"Tetsutetsu?! You saw that as well?!" Kirishima said surprised

"Of course, man!" Tetsutetsu replied before he and Kirishima fist-bump

"So, they also saw the earlier multiverses?" Uraraka asks

"Yes, ma'am. In a parallel universe," L confirmed

"Delta, right?" Snipe approached him

"Yes, sir" Delta replied

"Ay, they brought the kid soldier back!" Present Mic said loudly

"Noisy" Aizawa complained silently as he slept on the ground

"Don't look at me. I was walking back home from my patrol when I was kidnapped here" Delta explained

"I see" Ectoplasm understood

"Oh, the theater seats returned" Kaminari marveled at the return of the comfy theater seats

"Yes! I love this seat!" Mina cheered as she jumped into a seat and immediately melted by the comfy seats "Ah~"

"I picked this one!" Toru claimed as she sat beside Mina and melted as well "Ah~"

"Let's take a break before we continue," L said then everyone chatted with each other and enjoyed the summoned food and drinks while some went to the toilet

30 minutes later

L claps "OK, everyone. I think we have enough breaks already. Let's continue" 

The audience complied and they sat down in their seats exactly like the first viewing 

"What are we watching now? You said the hero is more wicked than the villains. I wonder who he is" Kendo questioned

"Heh, maybe he is as degenerate as class A," Monoma said smugly

"Oi, enough with the class A hate, man" Tsuburaba scolded him

"Is he a vigilante?" Deku asks

"More or less an anti-hero" L replied "But without further ado. Let's get started" He snapped his fingers and the movie started

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