Chapter six

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Taehyung watched the stranger like a predator, ready to bounce on his prey at a given chance. The person didn't have a specific scent like all werewolves does, so Taehyung couldn't figure out his rank. The man made himself comfortable in the hut. He grabbed a bag of chamomile tea, turned on the stove and poured water on the kettle. He took two mugs out and set them near the stove. Taehyung stared stunned, as the man worked like it was his own house.

"My name is Kim Seokjin, I have come for a purpose" he said. Taehyung didn't respond, so Seokjin turned to face him and smiled. "You have nothing to ask?" He questioned. Taehyung thought for a moment. He had a lot to ask, but what first?

"You said 'a purpose', what is it and what does that have to do with me?" Taehyung brought out his dominance but Seokjin did not seemed to be faced. Instead he laughed.

"My purpose is to guide you, Taehyung. You have spend years in this hut, hidden away from the world. It is time you come out and show who you are" he paused, interrupted by the shriek of the kettle. Seokjin poured the water and the powder on the mugs and stirred it.

"The goddess told me to hide, and I intend to obey her" Taehyung spoke. Seokjin chuckled while walking towards him. He handed a mug to Taehyung and the alpha took it.

"Well, you're right. That's why I am here. She doesn't want you to hide anymore, instead she wants you to find the omega of Venus" Taehyung's eyes widened at Seokjin's words.

"What?" He shouted, his arm raising his sword again. Seokjin sighed at his actions and took a sip of his tea. "The omega is gone! How do you expect me to find him?" His tea spilled a bit and Seokjin winced at the fallen liquid.

"Please for the love of moon, put down that sword and drink your tea" he said and sat down on a stool. Taehyung wanted to throw the hot beverage on the man's head, but he contained himself and sat down opposite to Seokjin. "The sword." He deadpanned. Grumbling imprecations, Taehyung set down the sword on the table. Then, he motioned for the man to continue.

"Hmm, dealing with alphas are always a headache. Especially pure blooded ones" Seokjin complained throwing a dirty look at Taehyung.

"Oh please now, I'm the only pure blood you have come across" Taehyung said, folding his arms. Seokjin's laugh echoed off the walls of the hut.

"Says who? I have met and talked to Xianho before you" the way he spoke about it, made it seem like Xianho was a living king and not the first ever pure blooded alpha to exist in the world.

"Xianho died almost a century ago, how the hell could you have possibly met him?" Taehyung scoffed. Another one of those knowing smiles was offered to him.

"This isn't about me, Taehyung. Though I admit, you're a bit more easier than Xianho. The fame went to his head" Seokjin shrugged. Before Taehyung could say anything, he continued. "Where were we, actually. Oh, yes! The omega of Venus. You had a dream didn't you? About a beautiful omega?" He again took a sip of his hot tea. Taehyung's jaw tightened.

"How do you know all that? Who are you exactly?" He asked. Outside the hut, the sun had set and the dark sky glimmered with stars.

"I'm a traveller and the Mother Moon's servant. That's all you need to know about me for now" Seokjin smirked. Taehyung's face pulled into a scowl. Seokjin scanned the room and his eyes landed on the painting. An audible gasp left him and he stood up to admire it. His fingers traced the edges of the canvas and Taehyung watched him cautiously. "You drew this?" He asked.

"Yes, I tried my best to recreate who I saw" Taehyung explained. Seokjin moved like he was in a trance.

"Beautiful, oh so beautiful. The child of Venus must be even more gorgeous in real life" he paused and then turned with a wild glint on his eyes "We must find him" he said. Taehyung stepped back.

"Woah, wait. Where are we going to find him?" He asked. Seokjin seemed to snap out of whatever he was in and spoke.

"Do you trust me, Taehyung?" He asked. Taehyung considered his question. Did he trust this weird stranger? Not really. But surely this man had to be send by the goddess since he knew so much. No one knew anything about Kim Taehyung. But this man did. So, Taehyung nodded. "Great! Then we need to find the tiger. The omega will send him" Taehyung raised an eyebrow at that.

"Tiger? What do you mean?" He questioned. "The goddess did tell you to seek Aegis, right?" When Taehyung nodded, he continued. "Aegis is a tiger. The omega's tiger. He will send it to us tomorrow morning and we will be led by the tiger to the omega and from there we go to Narva" he explained.

"Narva? Why do we need to go to Narva?" Taehyung asked. This was crazy. Seokjin mumbled something about 'dumb' and 'alphas'. Taehyung doubted it was anything kind.

"There is a warlock there that will help us, well, you. That's all I can say, the rest you will know soon enough" he said and walked to his now lukewarm tea and took a sip of it. "Ah, the tea is ruined" he poured the rest of the tea into the sink and began to wash the mug.

"I can trust you right?" Taehyung asked after a moment of silence. Seokjin paused, then with a small smile he turned off the water and looked at Taehyung.

"You trusted a stranger in your dream, so why not a stranger in real life?"


Seokjinnie is really turning into my fav character! This makes me miss him more. I still can't believe all the tannies left😭

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