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So here y/n and yeounjun is talking about their life's like what they were doing how are they any problem in their life's ad balh blah

Y/n pov
This man why the hell he is talking about his girl bestfriend Sarah like seriously this hot sexy pretty gorgeous cute girl is sitting in front of you how dare he think of his bff I just want to kill that bitch I want to make cuts through her skin and cut her fingers and put slat and pepper in eat and make her eat herself ohhh god that mother fucking bitch how dare she to even hug my man

Are you getting jealous and what is my man when he became yours are you out of your mind y/n control your feelings you have right to love anyone you will make their life hell do you get it

Yeounjun:y/n hello Mrs Choi where are you lost


Yeounjun: nothing I was calling you for past 10 min where were you lost

Y/n:not past 10 min I saw it's not even 1 min yet


Y/n:uhh what

Yeounjun: nothing listen I wanted you to come with me somewhere

Y/n:come with you where

Yeounjun:it's a Surprise

Y/n:I hate surprise

Yeounjun:i Know my love can you pls tell me are you free tomorrow

Did he just called me his love am I dreaming how dare this man call me that he is out of his mind

Y/n: my love? You called me your love are you out of your mind what were you even thinking how did you even -

I am going to killlll himmmmm

Before I could say anything further he did he just did that am I dreaming did he just how can he

Did he just put a tape on my mouth I will kill him

(What were you thinking a kiss???? Well not that soon my cutipie's)

Yeounjun:shut up for a bit okay I said that sorry because I got a habit of saying that okay I won't say that and don't judge how can I call you my love what were you even thinking

Y/n:umm ejsmhdkwkandhjeme

Yeounjun:speak clearly

Is he dumb or is he dumb

I pointed towards my lips that had tape on them

Yeounjun:ohh sorryyy! Now say

Y/n:what do mean by you have habit of calling my love do you have a gf


Does he really have a gf I will kill everyone!!!!

Yeounjun:i call Sarah that

This whore !! For God sake who the hell is Sarah

Y/n:i would love to meet this Sarah someday

Yeounjun:yaahh sure I will make sure you meet her someday

Yeahh i will make sure to kill this bitch

Yeounjun:okay byy talk to you later

Yeounjun pov

Goshhh this was close I was so close of getting exposed thank-you God for saving me how will I make her meet Sarah now will she be shocked to see her should I tell her that she is not fully ready to meet her and she can't meet her

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