Chapter 9
I woke up and looked at my husband. Today was his birthday. He was sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to wake him up. I ran my hand through his blonde hair as it was getting longer.
I have seen pictures of Cole with the long Bieber hair before and man does he rock it. I just want him to be happy and not have to change who he is because of me.
"Liv, can you stop?" Cole asked as I saw his eyes open.
"Okay," I said as I stopped running my hands through his hair. "Happy birthday," I said.
Cole smiled. "Thank you love," he said. I kissed his lips as he kissed me back. "I love it that you're home," he said.
"I love it too," I said as I stole a kiss from him.
"Are you going to stay and cuddle with me?" Cole asked. I nodded my head as he wrapped his arms around me and held me.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked.
Cole sighed. "If this is about our age babe, I will still love you even though you have another year before you become legal," Cole said. I gave him a questioning look.
"That wasn't my question, but now it might be," I said.
"Oh, I thought for sure that was what you were going to ask me," He said. I shook my head.
"Do you know anything about my trial?" I asked. Cole looked at me.
"Yes, but it is not over yet. My dad said you lost the first round but they also had to submit your work hours and are waiting on an answer, because that might be what will help you win. Also they mentioned that you should be getting paid an extra ten thousand because he tried to sabotage you during your "Thankful," era, along with the tours he put you on," Cole said.
"Sabotage?" I asked.
"He made the tour longer for you, when you should have taken a two-three month break," Cole said.
"Do you know if I am free yet? Or Nikki?" I asked.
"They are working on it, that's why your trial hasn't ended yet," Cole said.
"When could it be over?" I asked.
"No one will know for sure, it could be another week, next week, next month," Cole said before I interrupted him.
"Next year?" I asked. Cole nodded his head.
"Liv, your lawyers, and my dad are doing everything they can to get you free. You knew this wasn't going to happen overnight right?" Cole asked. I nodded my head.
"I just want to be free," I said as I laid my head on his chest.
"I know you do, I want you free as well, and they are trying to get you out from writing a third album for him," Cole said.
"And it's not looking good?" I asked. Cole nodded his head.
"I am sorry babe," Cole said as he placed a kiss on my forehead. I sighed and got out of bed.
I got ready for the day as Marcus and I were taking Cole out for his birthday.
I was in the living room with Marcus as Cole was getting ready.
"Does he suspect anything?" Marcus asked. I shook my head.
"He doesn't know anything," I said with a smile.
"I am ready, and I see that smile Liv, what are you planning?" Cole asked walking over to me.
"Nothing," I sang before I walked out the door and went to Marcus's car. We got in the car and headed towards the rock climbing building downtown.
"We're going rock climbing?" Cole asked as Marcus parked the car.
"Yup," Marcus said.
"Awesome," Cole said as he got out of the car. I got out of the car and looked at Marcus as he looked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Are you sure he is nineteen?" Marcus asked. I rolled my eyes.
"He was in a seashell bra, and a mermaid skirt a few years ago, so I don't know anymore," I said as I fixed my purse on my shoulder.
"He is your husband," Marcus said.
I rolled my eyes. "Please, quit reminding me," I said before I walked in to find my husband.
I saw Cole in line as Marcus and I quickly joined him. I nodded my head at Marcus before he pushed Cole. "Come on, let's go watch them," Marcus said. I smiled.
Once I got to the front, I paid for three hours, and walked over to the boys with their wristband.
"You let her pay?" Cole asked before accepting the band.
"She wanted to do this for your birthday," Marcus said.
"Thank you Liv," Cole said.
"You are welcome," I said.
We went over to the one wall and got all harnessed in before Cole started to climb. I had Cole's phone in my hand as I did a quick video of him climbing the wall. He made it to the top before Marcus took his turn.
Cole looked at me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded my head.
"I haven't done this in a few years," I said.
"You're going to be okay, just breathe and if you need to stop halfway the people here will help you down okay?" Cole asked as he rubbed my shoulder. I nodded my head.
Marcus made it to the top before it was my turn. I started strong but I made the mistake of looking down. I was about halfway before I looked at Cole.
"Hey, help her down, she's shaking," Cole told the worker. They quickly brought me down to the ground as I looked over at Cole.
"Thank you," I said. "I think I am just going to watch you guys do this," I said looking between Cole and Marcus.
"Okay," Cole said.
I watched them the next two hours as they climbed and laughed. I spent my time on my phone typing this song Simon wants me to have done before we leave in a few days back to the UK.
Forgetting me
You took things in your hands and left me out
After we'd been through so much, how could you let me down.I won him two Grammy's, multiple AMA's, video awards, and "Because of You," is still my best selling record. I have to leave this company.
I didn't know, I didn't know
I couldn't see, I couldn't see
Never thought you'd forget me
Couldn't believe, couldn't believe
How you deceived you deceived
I never thought you'd do that to me."Liv, are you okay?" Cole asked. I looked up and saw him. I smiled.
"I am great," I said.
"Are you getting your thought's out on paper?" Cole asked sitting down beside me.
"It's not on paper, it's on my notes," I said while rolling my eyes.
"You know what I meant," he said.
"I want to finish this song and hit the studio and record it, I really have a bad feeling this is my rock album," I said.
"Kind of like "Since U Been Gone?" Cole asked. I nodded my head. "Well we can talk to Marcus and stop by the studio on the way home," Cole said.