Short Bonus: 💔Soundless Voice💔

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A/N: I decided to create this sad OneShot so be vigilant with this one again.

TADC & their characters rightfully belong to Gooseworx.

Disclaimer: Sad theme, angst, drama & cussing. (& Possible cringe)

"Tears are the silent language of grief."



I find myself running in the snowy area of the circus, trying to flee from the drama I just had with the other members. Despite how far I ran, it wasn't enough to make me feel insane...

How could they just...move on like nothing happened!? And they said I should as well...

How could I just...move on?! It doesn't make any fucking sense!

In the cemetery

I kept running until I found myself in the cemetery that I requested Caine to make some time ago. You, reader, might be wondering why. To put it shortly: it's to honor the fallen, to remember them so at least they won't be forgotten...

I looked at all the graves but I kept pacing quickly, until I reached the center of the area, panting heavily over the well, gripping the bricks of the well tightly. I was shaking terribly from my sudden thoughts corrupting my head like a wave.

"It's not fair..." I spoke, losing control of my breathing. "It's not...!" I looked at the well but decided to put my head in it, screaming with rage to finish my sentence. "....FAIR!! THEY'RE NOTHING BUT SELFISH MOTHERF$#&ERS!"

As I finished screaming with rage, I sat back down near the well, trying to control my breathing, struggling not to cry.

Why can't he be here to cheer me up? Or at least comfort me during this hardest time of all...?

I couldn't hold it in any much longer as I began to sing a sad melody throughout the area, trying to at least forget about the negativity shit that happened earlier... But no matter how loud I sang, the emptiness in my heart will never be fullfilled. Without him, it makes me...afraid... Afraid that I might be next to abstract...

I was so absorbed in my singing that I felt a tap on my shoulder, making me gasp with fright. I turned around, standing up immediately to see Kinger. He put up his hands in a defensive way.

Kinger: "Woah, take it easy! It's just me, Kinger."

I groaned quietly to myself, looking to the side with my brow furrowed. "Let me guess, are you here to tell me to "move on" as well?" I spoke with a bitter tone.

Kinger: "Move on? From what?" He seemed confused by this. "On second thought, was it about Ja-"

"DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT!" I angrily yelled at him, making him yelp in fear. "My heart doesn't want to go through that pain again by hearing his name!" I covered my face, my fingers gripping it tight.

My breath hitched, feeling myself slowly slipping away into crying. But I held it back still, trying not to let this emotion get the best of me. Now, did I make myself a fool to Kinger? Who knows what his crazy mind is thinking of me right now...

❤️Jax X Reader 🩵Oneshots🩵 (& bonus stuff)💜Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon