Couple cliché

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It was Friday morning the last day of the week and Julian sprang up from his bed with excitement since it was the last day of the week he thought of watching cherry blossoms because he didn't find time to u know walk and wanted to go with a friend from a very long time. All his ideas and dreams came crashing down when he received a text from Caitlyn saying

Oppa aneyong,"can't wait to see your face today I'll wait for you at the office lobby I have a surprise gift for you

Julian seemed pretty much pissed by the text and threw it on the bed and went for shower.

He walked in the shower area where and switched on the opened the tap and gush of cold water just fell on him and his hair was soaking wet and the water just slid over his body and Julian shouted with the suddengush of cold water and then he readjusted the tap setting and continued his shower.

He had that perfect chiselled figure every would die for and fall for.

After shower

Julian walked towards his wardrobe which was full off dark colored clothing and black shoes.

He just went through picked what he liked and slid into it.

He grabbed yesterday's grilled sandwich and made his way to the car and drove off to office.

Caitlyn face was brightly lit and her cheek bones ascended to heaven.
She waved her hand like a small child as if she saw her long last best friend.

She walked to him excitedly and slid a couple ring and said sarangheyo oppa and said I have another surprise and started aegyo in front of everyone. Julain was pretty much pissed and decided to walk away.

Julie followed him close behind.

The whole day Caitlyn had been acting cute in front of Julian and Julie was OK from the outside and not from the inside. (U know what I mean)

Julie was not sure about anything she wasn't able to focus and her mind kept diverting to Julain.

Julian was waiting for Julie to save him from his ex.

Julie and Julian started sharing special bond which cannot be named.
They wanted to meet each other and see each other. Julie and Julian started developing feelings for each other but they just can't acknowledge it still. Nor do they have that strength or that level of understanding.

Julian and Julie invested their energy and completely stayed focused on their work as their way of diverting from other things.

The day ended without their knowledge and Julian was exhausted and started to leave but then he was stopped by Caitlyn who appeared out of nowhere and smiled and said oppa I miss you lets go for a walk she said and dragged him out. Julie felt happy but then the very thought of drinking alone made her long for Julian.

Caitlyn grabbed Julian's arm and made their way out. Julian was all smiling but his face clearly showed that he doesn't want to be with her and wanted to sleep.

Caitlyn was excited and was continuously dragging Julian and Julian followed her yawning and rubbing his eyes like a small child.

They walked until they reached the han river where they stood on the bank and Caitlyn turned to him and said...opppa sarangheyo I have been an idiot to break up with you I realised my mistake please oppa ....forgive me this time she pleaded. Julian rubbed and said fine aloofly.

Caitlyn became brightly lit and she said Jinjja and kisses him on the lips and said sarangheyo oppa. Julian tried to make sense of what happened and said can I go home now childishly. It gave Caitlyn mixed feeling of Julian really felt.

It was really late and night so Julian dropped Caitlyn and went back home.

Broken heart once broken remains broken no matter how hard you try to glue it.

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