Chapter 3

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Daniel, Chozen, Louie, and Anoush were at the Encino Oaks Country Club. 

Chozen had just won a game of golf.

Daniel laughed. "Well done. Well done."

Louie looked at Anoush. "I told you there were golf courses all over Okinawa, man. I googled it. It's like one giant green island."

"He said he'd never played before." Anoush said.

"Beginner luck." Chozen said.

Louie scoffed. "Yeah, right. I know when I've been hustled."

Chozen pretended to be offended. "You insult my honour."

"Okay, you are not at a blackjack table in Atlantic City. You can't trash-talk a karate assassin." Anoush told Louie.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Chozen. I-I meant no disrespect at all, I promise." There was a hint of fear in Louie's voice.

Chozen looked at Louie intently before bursting into laughter.

Daniel gave Chozen a pat on the back. "Don't take it personally, guys. He has been kicking a lot of ass lately. First round's on me, fellas."

Daniel, Chozen, Louie, and Anoush headed to the bar.

Daniel walked up to the bartender.

Daniel heard Terry ask, "How'd you hit 'em?"

Daniel turned around and saw Terry standing behind him.

"They let anyone join these days, huh? Or did you slither in through the garbage chute? By the way, how's your sensei search going? Did I hear you hit a little bit of a snag?" Daniel asked.

"Sabotaging my dojo was not a smart move. Some might see it as a casus belli." Terry said.

A casus belli was an act or an event that either provoked or was used to justify a war.

"Miyagi-Do will never back down. You should know that by now." Daniel said.

Chozen walked up to Daniel.

Daniel looked back and forth from Terry to Chozen. "I believe you two have met."

Terry looked at Chozen. "Sensei Toguchi."

Terry turned to Daniel. "You might have some old friends to call upon, but not as many as me. I'm giving you the opportunity, right now, to stand down. No retaliation. No repercussions. All you have to do is stay out of my way."

Daniel shook his head. "This is my backyard. I'm not the one who needs to go."

"I actually like this attitude on you. It's a shame I won't get to see it again, because if you continue down this path, nothing in your life will ever be the same again. You're playing with fire, Danny Boy." Terry warned.

Chozen took a step towards Terry. "And I am gasoline. Boom."

Terry scoffed.

"Put these gentlemen's drinks on my tab." Terry told the bartender.

With a smug look on his face, Terry walked away.

Louie and Anoush walked up to Daniel.

"What did that giant Bond villain want?" Anoush asked.

"Nothing. Just wanted to buy us a round of drinks." Daniel said.

Louie smiled. "Oh, nice."

"Hey, let me get a round of piña coladas for my men here." Louie told the bartender.

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