Chapter 3: The Party

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.•*•.•*•.•*•. The Party .•*•.•*•.•*•.

‼️Warning: TW‼️
This chapter contains alchohol use

After me and Chris separate from the hug I ask, "Want me to stay with you?"

"No ill probably head down there with you if that's OK."

"Yeah totally." We head downstairs to see a few other people, New to me. Chris, on the other hand runs down the stairs once he sees someone, although I'm not quite sure who yet. He runs to a boy and dabs him up and gives him a hug.

He looks like this:

Once I get down the stairs Kaylee comes over to me with Matt

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Once I get down the stairs Kaylee comes over to me with Matt.

"Hey you got him to come down!" Matt says.

"Yeah. Do you know who all these other people are?" I ask them.

Matt replies saying, "Yeah some of them and other people are just either people who our friends invited or party crashers. But I'll introduce you to our friends." He leads me over to a girl with black hair. She seems like a calm and peaceful person.

Here's what she looks like:

"Hey Maddie this is Lilly, one of Kaylee's friends

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"Hey Maddie this is Lilly, one of Kaylee's friends. Lilly this is Maddie or mad dawg." Matt giggles a bit when he says the last part and shortly after Maddie slaps Matt's arm.

"Never say that again Matthew!" Maddie yells at Matt.

"Matthew?" I ask wondering if that was the boys real name.

"Yeah." Matt says acting emberassed.

I giggle and say, "I will always call you that from now on since you hate it so much."

"Or even better yet his middle name is Bernard." Kaylee pipes in. I gasp in excitement.

"Omg shut up guys!" Matt says.

"Matty B Bernaaaarrrddd!" I yell at him. He hides his face and flips me off while Maddie and Kaylee break out into laughter.

"I hate you all!" Matt yells.

"Anyways nice to meet you Maddie." I say.

"You too Lilly." Maddie replies than we hug eachother. The three of them brought me over to meet 2 other boys who's names were Trill and Elmer.

They were each wearing this:

They were each wearing this:

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Then they brought me over to the boy Chris had ran off to

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Then they brought me over to the boy Chris had ran off to.

"Hey! Lilly! Nice to see you again." Chris's words were slurred together and had seemed like he had been drinking. He also had a red solo cup. "This is Nate my best bud." He continued.

"Nice to meet you Nate." I said. He replied with a "Hi" and continued talking with Chris.

"Chris have you been drinking?" Matt says in a confused tone.

"Hmmmm maybe." Chris replies.

"Where did you even get that?" Matt asks.

"Over there." Chris points towards one corner with a bunch of teens and we all look. Matt looks back at us all with a look of should we? Trill and Elmer just end up going for it and getting some beer and soon after me and Matt decide to just fuck it and go get some shots. I ended up drinking more than Matt and the last thing I remember is laughing with the group. I had blacked out the rest of the night and the next thing I know I was in a bed. I wasn't too sure who's bed it was but I knew it wasn't mine. I looked down at my clothes which actually weren't my clothes. I had an oversized t-shirt on and no pants on. That was when I started to panic. I rolled over to startle someone awake. To my surprise it was Matt.

"What's going on?" Matt says while rubbing his eyes.

"Matt! Why am I in your bed...AND with no pants on?" I said scared.

"Oh sorry. A girl spilled her wine on you so I gave you my clothes and you didn't want to wear pants to sleep. Everyone was really drunk so we all just decided to stay the night here." He said.

"Oh thank got I thought we-nvm. You can go back to sleep. I'm gunna go get some water from the kitchen." I say.

"OK." He said and fell back asleep.

I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass from a pantry, went over to the fosset, and waited for the glass to fill up. All of a sudden I feel hands on my waist and a deep voice say "whatcha doin up Lilly? And why are you in Matt's clothes?" Into my ear. It sent shivers down my spine and my breath hitched. I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck. I knew emediatly who it was.

"Why do you care Chris?" I say after setting the glass on the counter and turning around to look up into his eyes. It's still really dark and the lights are off so I couldn't see much of him. I grabbed his hands off my waist and put them on the counter.

"Nvm... Good night Lilly." Chris says while walking away and up the stairs. Once he leaves I not ce how fast my heart was beating. It wasn't that I was scared but more so just stunned. I brushed that all away and went back upstairs. When I got back into Matt's room I found him completely sprawled out on his side of the bed with his arm on my pillow. It made me giggle a bit seeing him so passed out. It was kinda cute. I walked over to my side of the bed and layed down. Matt rested his hand on my shoulder since the rest of his arm was now under my head. I layed there looking around the room for a minute before I decided to cuddle into Matt's chest. It was quite comforting. He in return squeezed me closer to him. He couldn't have drank too much because he still smelled like his calogn. It smelled calming. My head rested just underneath his chin. He was running his fingertips up and down my arm. I was so calm and comforted that I fell asleep quicker than I ever had before.

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