The next morning,
The crew had a really good sleep since they've been restless for quite a while.
They all been gathered at the Dinner Room for their Breakfast while Sanji is preparing the food."SAAANJIIIIIII...!
I'M HUNGRRRYYY.." Luffy screamed beating the table,"SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU IDIOT..!
CAN'T YOU SEE I'M PREPARING EXTRA SPECIAL GOURMET FOR MY LADIES..?" Sanji says yelling at Luffy,"But I'm Hungry..! Feed Me First..!" Luffy says pouting,
"You morons can eat the left over for all i care, i live to serve my Nami-Swan and my Robin-cwan..." Sanji says with a Lover pose,
"Speaking of Nami...
Where the hell is she..?" Ussop ask with a confused look,Sanji's Mellorine Radar suddenly give off an alarm that his beloved Nami-Swan is missing.
"I don't know..! I haven't seen her since yesterday." Franky says casually trying to get a bite from the food,
"HANDS OFF, YOU CYBORG PERVERT..!" Sanji says yelling at Franky, hitting his hand away from the food,
"She's must be occupied with her stuff, She'll be here soon." Robin says closing the book she was reading and sipping in her Coffee..
"Oh My Dear Robin-cwan..!
You look more and more beautiful everyday.." Sanji says dancing behind Robin to which she smiled,"What do you mean Occupied, Robin.?" Chopper ask with a cute confused look,
"Oi Chopper..!
Didn't you know Nami sometimes take extra long hours to draw her charts..? And did you forget how her mood will be when she....
Do you wanna go wake her up..?" Ussop ask scaring Chopper to death,"AHHHHHHHHH...
NO, I DON'T WANNA... NAMI IS SCARY WHEN SHE WAKES UP.." Chopper says screaming and hiding behind Robin,"Anyway, Nami-San is not here yet,
So no one will touch the food until she gets here...
GOT IT, YOU SHITTY RUBBER IDIOT.." Sanji says puffing his cigarette and glaring at Luffy,Luffy retreated his stretching hand sneaking away to steal the food and grinned but lay his head on the table in annoyance.Robin just giggled and picked up Chopper to sat him on her lap and feed him some candy.
Where is she..? I'll go get her." Luffy says jumping up and stormed off the dinner room,"Fufu, I'll help you, Captain..!" Robin says giggling, getting up and followed her Captain,
"And I'll help you, My Love..." Sanji says with hearts in his eyes ran out following Robin,
Franky, Ussop, Chopper and Brook looked at each other in confusion and they all looked at the food with drooling mouth..
"I guess we'll have to wait..!" Ussop says in defeat with a sigh,
Luffy ran towards the Nami's Chart Room followed by Robin with a curious smile while Sanji follows her.
"Nami..! Breakfast is--
Re-ready--" Luffy says burst open the door and walked in to find the room is empty,"Where is she..?" Luffy ask with scratching his head puzzled,
"Hmm, now that i think about it,
I don't recall her coming to the bed either last night..." Robin says with curiosity and she had a wild guess but remained quite,
"When did you see her last night, Robin-chan..?" Sanji ask with a confused look,
"With all of us...
At the Medical Room.." Robin says with a shrug,"WHAT..? AT THE INFIRMARY..?
WITH THAT GREEDY, EMOTIONLESS MOSSHEAD..? ALONE..?" Sanji says getting furious all of a sudden,Sanji sprinted towards the Medical Room as soon as possible followed by a Curious Luffy and Robin. As soon as Sanji opened the door, They got different expressions on their faces.
Luffy just grinned and laughed at finally finding Nami,
Robin just stiffed a giggle with surprise,
Sanji on the other hand gapped as his face turned black and white with shocked yet dull expression.Nami was in deep sleep laying on top of Zoro, her hands wrapped around his torso and her head was buried under his jaw.Nami looked so peaceful while sleeping which put a genius smile on Robin's lips since she knows what Nami had been through these past few days.
"Sheshesheshe... She must be so tired that she have fallen asleep here last night.." Luffy says with a grin and his goofy laugh,
W-w-wh--why is my sweet and beautiful Nami-Swan is sleeping on top of that greedy mongrel..?" Sanji says dropping on the floor not daring to yell while Nami is sleeping,"Fufufu... She sure look peaceful..
We should let them sleep a bit more, Sanji..! They can get their breakfast later." Robin says patting Sanji's shoulder,Sanji just cried dramatically on the floor hitting it lightly in annoyance.
Luffy just grinned and dragging still crying Sanji out of the room to the Dinner room.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Soon after they left,
Nami's eyes fluttered open, her mind is still clouded by a beautiful Dream...
Dream of Money and Tangerines.
She rubbed her blurry eyes to get a clear view of where she is because she can tell this isn't her room.
She pushed her messy hair aside her ears, stretching her arms and arched her back with a relaxed sigh like a cat.
That is when she heard a light and gentle grunt as her eyes fall on the bed or rather who's on the bed next to her.She was surprised to see Zoro was sleeping peacefully with a warm smile, with a softened face and breathing lightly.Nami was stunned as she can't take her eyes off of the Green Haired Muscular Man sleeping next to her peacefully. Zoro looked so vulnerable that she wouldn't dare to move incase Zoro were to wake up.
"He looked-- So Quite and-- Different while he sleeping..." Nami says murmured to herself,
She gently grazed his cheeks, moving up to his hair and stroke his bangs a little.She can't help but keep enjoying the sight right infront of her..
A gentle smile formed on her lips as she moved a bit up to kiss his forehand.
That kiss was soft and warm but the tenderness slightly wake Zoro up as he moaned with a relaxed sigh, eyes half opened.His half opened eyes was still gazed by sleep and so Nami used that chance to get back a little."Nami..!
Hey, what are you doing here..?" Zoro ask walking up with a yawn but felt a bit uneasiness so he just sat lay back on the bed."Hey Zoro..!" Nami says with a red face hoping he'd refrain from asking the obvious question,
A small smirk spread across Zoro's lips as he understood what must've happened.
"You slept here..?" Zoro ask Nami although he knew the answer,
"No, i just--...Got here.." Nami says bluntly looking else where,
"Oh..?" Zoro ask with a cheeky smirk,
"Alright fine,
I was so tired yesterday so i must've fallen asleep, big deal..!
It's not like i planned on sleeping next to you anyway, whatsoever..!" Nami says with a cold tone pretending to be not aware,