Part 7

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I meet Peter at what looked like an abandoned building

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I meet Peter at what looked like an abandoned building.
"Hey Peter Peter" I say giving me a hug
"Hey hey, thank you for coming. I know it's dangerous with the whole-" he starts to say
"Peter it's fine. I'll be ok.... What the hell are you wearing?" I ask looking at his clothes
"Uhh it's my old suit" he says
I just look at it then back at him
"Come on you can insult me later" he says walking off
"Oh I will" I mumble

We walked inside and saw Liz's dad standing at a desk.
"Hey!" Peter yells
"Surprised?" He adds
"Oh, hey, Pete. Bella, sorry Elizabeth. I didn't hear you two come in." He tells us making me glare at him
"It's over. We've got you." Peter says
"You know, I gotta tell you, Pete." He starts
"I really, really admire your grit. I see why Liz likes you." He tells him
"I do. When you first came to the house, I wasn't sure. I thought, really? But I get it now." He tells Peter
"How could you do this to her?" Peter asks
"To her? I'm not doing this to her. I'm doing this for her." He tells us

"Yeah right" I scoff
Peter quickly shoots a web sticking his hand to his desk
"You kids are young. You don't understand how the world works." He tells us
"Yeah, but we understand that selling weapons to criminals is wrong." Peter says
"How do you think your buddy Stark paid for that tower? Or any of his little toys?" He asks us
"Those people... Those people up there, the rich and the powerful, they do whatever they want.
Guys like us, like you and me, they don't care about us. We build their roads and we fight all of their wars and everything, but they don't care about us. We have to pick up after 'em. We have to eat their table scraps. That's how it is. I know you know what I'm talking about." He tells us
"Why are you telling us this?" Peter asks
"Because I want you to understand. And... I needed a little time to get her airborne." As he finishes his wings come flying at us
Peter jumps over them as I duck underneath.
"I'm sorry kids." Toomes said
"What are you talking about? That thing hasn't even touched us yet." Peter said
Something isn't right. That was to easy
"True. Then again, wasn't really trying to." He said then he wings start to break the pillars holding the building up

I use my powers to put a shield around Peter and I as the building falls. Stumbling I lose control of my powers and the ceiling falls on top of me, causing me to lose consciousness.

"Elizabeth!! Elizabeth!! Where are you?! Are you ok?!" Peter yells waking me up
I start to cough
"Elizabeth!!" Peter yells again
"Yeah! I'm ok" I groan
"Are you ok?" I yell
"I'm fine. I'm out of the rubble but I don't know where you are" he says
"I'll be fine. Go get him" I say
"What?" He asks confused
"Go! Go after him! I'll be fine trust me. I've been through worse!" I yell
"Ok. Ok ok! Meet me at the avengers tower it's moving day! That's his target!" He tells me
"Ok! Now go!" I yell and he takes off

"Ughhh"I groan trying to move but the rubble just pushes on me harder
"Damn you bird dude" I mumble
I lift up both my hands glowing my dark blue. I start to life all of the rubble off of me.
I float up moving it all out of the way.

I didn't know what happened but my magic created a big blast of blue everywhere. It didn't break or destroy anything but it made me feel more powerful than before.

"Well if Ross didn't see me before he sure is going to see me now. Time to make the most of it" I mumble to myself flying off towards the avengers tower.

I see the plane Peter was talking about. But as I got closer I also see Toomes and Peter fighting
"Holy hell" I mumble
I fly over and I'm instantly met with blast coming my way.
"Peter what can I do?!" I yell
"Try to turn the plane! We're going to crash into the city if we don't!" He yells
"On it!" I yell back

I fly over to the front of the plane and start to turn it. But as soon as I do I'm met with Toomes flying at me
I quickly use my powers to start to fight him.
"You're not going to win this one Elizabeth!" He yells
"Whenever helps you sleep at night bird man" I say back
We were getting really close to the city as I kept fighting Toomes

"Peter I'll keep him distracted. You gotta find a way to turn the plane" I tell Peter in his head
"Alright alright I got this I got this" he mumbles

"Is that the best you can do?!" I yell
"Oh gosh I sound like Thor now" I mumble as he flys at me
I kept him distracted as Peter starts to turn the plane.
I look down to see we are about to hit the ground.
I cover all of us and the plane in a force field to protect us.
But as we hit the ground Toomes jumps at me knocking him and I off the plane, causing me to lose control of my powers

"Elizabeth wake up!" Peter yells shaking me
"Ahhh shit ow" I mumble waking up
"Oh thank God" he says

I look around to see we are surrounded by fire
But I see Toomes grabbing one of the boxes
"Peter" I say pointing
"Bingo" toomes says starting to fly up. But his wings are sending sparks everywhere. They were going to explode
"No, no, no, that's gonna explode." Peter yells getting up
"It's time to go home." He says
"No, you don't understand. It's gonna explode!" Peter yells running after him
He try's to grab him with his webs but Toomes cuts it off
"No!!" Peter yells
His wings start to get brighter and brighter about to explode.
I quickly cover Peter Toomes and myself with a shield as they blow up

I slowly open my eyes looking at the destruction.
I get up but I don't see Peter
"Peter!!" I yell
"Peter where are you?!" I scream
"Elizabeth!" He yells back
I run through the fire and see him. He had Toomes tied up to some boxes luckily alive.

We both run and embrace each other in a hug.
"Are you ok?" He asks
"Yeah yeah I'm ok. Are you ok?" I ask
"Yeah I'm ok" he says
"You're shield kinda saved my butt" he laughs
"Good I'm glad" I say laughing as well

I hear police sirens in the background
"We better get going" I tell him
"Yeah let's go" he says

We get up on top of a building watching the police clean everything up.

I hear people yelling and cars pulling up
I look down to see Ross getting out of his car.
"Shit" I mumble
"What?" Peter asks
"It's Ross" I tell him
"I've got to get out of here" I tell him
"I'll call you later" I say smiling before flying off away from Ross

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