The songs we sung

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We sang till the nights grew cold
Awaiting our great adventure to come
On the trucks we sung
About the glory soon to be ours
But as we soon grew closer and closer to the front
We noticed everything losing it color
Losing its life
The clouds grew a darkened grey
The green fields of grass soon turned to brown
Trees that once were tall with leaves
Now laid barren and withered
We would pass by other company's of men
There faces told stories that we had yet to learn
Many hung there heads low in sorrow
Many of the men sustained injuries
You seemed lucky if you didn't
Our songs grew quieter as we drew closer
The once long songs turned to low hums
Our faces changed as well
The once happy, smiling faces
Turned to nervous and grim faces
The sound of engines filled the void
The silence was deafeningly
Soon it was filled with a new sound
The sound grew ever louder as we drew closer
The sound was unmistakable
We could all tell what it was
The sound of war grew ever closer

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17 ⏰

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