Chapter 10

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(Y/n's POV)

I was waiting outside the interrogation room with Death-Ripper, the girls wanted to have a vote on keeping or killing the Renegade; Misuki but I voted on keeping her alive and give her the chance to redeem herself of her crimes. The girls were all uneasy on the idea so that's why they were having a chat with Misuki right now.

Death-Ripper nuzzles my leg and I smile down at him before grabbing out an old rusty pipe and throwing it down the hall, he quickly ran after it and came back with it so that I could throw it again. I throw the pipe again and Death-Ripper runs after it just as Mira, Sakura and Hanasaki step out of the interrogation room with Misuki.

Y/n: So, did you think it through?

Hanasaki: We gave it some thought and came to an agreement.

Mira: She will live, as long as she doesn't cause any trouble.

I nod in understanding, suddenly I feel something on my leg and I look down to see Death-Ripper but he wasn't holding the pipe. There was a rumble in his stomach and he pukes up the remains of the pipe, I move my leg away a bit then wave for him to just eat the remains which Death-Ripper happily does so.

Misuki: That's cute but gross, but still cute. Anyway mind giving me a tour, Master?

Y/n: Master?

Misuki: Yeah! I'm in your debt. So to repay you for saving me, I'll become your servant and attend to your every need! And I mean your every need~

I chuckle nervously as Misuki leans in close to me, until Sakura slaps her at the back of the head. Misuki rubs her head in pain while murmuring something and glaring at Sakura.

Misuki: Jeez! I was only teasing. But I really do need that tour, I don't want to get lost in this thing.

Y/n: Sure thing.

Sakura: I'll join you. Just to keep an eye on her.

I nod and we began showing Misuki around the ship, we first showed her the Mess hall where she can get some food then the Main deck and control room. I showed her my room which was next to the girls' room which Mira, Hanasaki, Sakura and Misuki will be sharing, we then show her the training room for both the Space marines and us. And finally we brought Misuki to the repair bay where our Imperial Knights are still being repaired, Misuki looks at her Knight and nods.

 And finally we brought Misuki to the repair bay where our Imperial Knights are still being repaired, Misuki looks at her Knight and nods

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Mira: Finally that ugly colour scheme is gone. Not a big fan of yellow but it will have to do.

Y/n: Sorry about that, yellow and some other paints were the only ones available.

Misuki: What? But your Knight is red, so you must have some left.

Sakura: Not really. We had to repaint Lord Y/n's Knight after each mission. We repainted it when we arrived to the 'Fist of Caliban' and after an Ork invasion.

Y/n: Also after a Slaanesh cult invasion.

Misuki: Wait, you fought a Slaanesh cult? And survived?

Sakura: Yeah, I also had to get a new set of clothes. Those disgusting bastards.

Misuki nods in agreement and we end the tour, I left to my room to get some rest while Sakura left with Misuki to help the former Renegade settle in.

(Time skip)

(Hanasaki's POV)

I was in the Mess hall with the other girls since we had nothing to do and I didn't feel like writing a report to the Inquisition at the moment, Misuki flicks a french-fry towards me and I easily caught it while glaring at the female Noble. She smirks at me and I flick the French-fry back at her and she catches it in her mouth.

Misuki: Nice one! But a little slow on delivery.

Hanasaki: Don't act friendly with me, Pretty girl. I still don't trust you.

Misuki: Hey, if I am to stay in this harem I have to act friendly.

I roll my eyes at her but smiled a little, Misuki's attitude is a refreshment from the serious atmosphere in the ship. Suddenly Misuki smiles brightly and stood up while waving her hands.

Misuki: Master! Over here!

I look behind me to see Y/n walking up to our table but I blush when I saw his outfit, he was wearing black combat boots, red military pants and a tight gray sleeveless vest which allowed me and the other girls to drool over his abs, muscles and battle scars. He sits next to me and I subconsciously touch his arm to feel his muscles, I blush even more realizing what I did and apologized.

Hanasaki: I uh um, sorry! I didn't mean to-

Y/n: It's alright. Mira did the same thing once.

Mira blushes and denies ever touching Y/n's muscles which none of us believe, Death-Ripper jumps onto the table and Mira gives her food to the cute little Skullcrawler who barks in happiness and gladly ate the food. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Misuki grin seductively before grabbing out a lunchbox and giving it to Y/n.

Y/n: What's this?

Misuki: I made you lunch as a thank you for giving me a second chance.

Y/n: Oh! Thank you Misuki.

He opens the box and I look inside to see rice, fried chicken, potatoes and eggs, Y/n takes a bite out of the food and his eyes widen in surprise.

Misuki: Is it good?

Y/n: Good? No.

Misuki: Oh... ok-

Y/n: Its absolutely delicious!

Misuki: What? Really?!

Y/n: Yeah! Where did you learn to cook like this?

Misuki: During my travels I met an old lady who taught me how to cook.

Y/n: Well, if you can cook like this you'll make an amazing wife.

Misuki squealed in happiness and jumped off her seat to tackle Y/n to the ground and hug him, I growl and angrily crush my spoon in my hand. Sakura and Mira both glare at Misuki as she cuddles Y/n who laughed and pats her on the head.

There is no way we're gonna be out done by the new girl in the harem.    

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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