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This worst-grade coal has a strong smoky smell and is called bituminous coal. Very few of them go home to keep warm.

  After all, they are in the south. Households do not need to burn kang for heating like in the north. In this case, except for burning red bricks, steam stoves and the like, basically no one will buy it directly. Used for home heating.

  After all, the whole house will be filled with the smell of smoke, and there is no way to stay and warm up by the fire. It is better to just burn firewood!

  But this winter is different. Normally, a few hundred kilograms of anthracite is enough for everyone to survive the entire winter. But now with so little coal, in just seven or eight days, everyone was basically done burning. Unfortunately, because of the heavy snow, we couldn't go up the mountain to cut firewood, so we could only use bituminous coal to get some warmth.

  At this time, someone comes to steal coal, which seems particularly hateful.

  "You can tell the difference between bituminous coal and anthracite coal here at a glance. Jiang Hongmei, why don't you just take a look at it as Miss Qin said? Don't wrong a good person." Zhao Xingguo said with a frown. He didn't quite believe that the person who stole coal last night was Qin Suyun.

  "That's right, Aunt Jiang, why don't you go and take a look at the back? Don't accuse a good person unfairly! I remember that some time ago, our man helped Miss Qin look at a lot of firewood!" Some people among the crowd of onlookers also He remembered the time when Qin Suyun paid someone to cut firewood.

  "Yes, I remember that when the weather was hot, people from the coal mines came to deliver coal. A truck full of coal was enough to burn for a long time." Another person in the crowd was slightly older. Some middle-aged men also nodded and talked about Qin Suyun's purchase of coal in the previous autumn.

  Because the temperature was weird last year and was still very high until autumn, some people in the village talked about Qin Suyun's coal purchase, thinking that he was a fool and that's why he bought so much coal.

  Now thinking about the price of coal the other party bought at that time, and then comparing the price they bought a few days ago, the middle-aged man couldn't help but sigh at the other party's foresight.

  A group of people stood in the wind and snow holding umbrellas. Every word you said to me made everyone think that Qin Suyun was not the thief who stole the coal this time.

  They all still remember clearly how the other party helped them during the earthquake. When the earthquake came, the other party was so enthusiastic about helping other disaster-stricken villagers in the village. How could he do such a thing as stealing things? Moreover, The other party is not short of money. If he really wants coal, he can just go back and find someone to buy it with. There is no need to steal coal from other people's homes in the middle of the night.

  Before they came, they didn't really believe that Qin Suyun had stolen the coal, but Zhu Dahai's wife said that she had a nose and a face, so they could only come and take a look.

  Now that they heard Qin Suyun's explanation, everyone became more and more sure of their previous thoughts.

  The other party has so much anthracite and firewood at home, so why bother to steal the bituminous coal from Jiang Hongmei's home? Isn't this asking for trouble? What's more, the other party's home also has solar energy to light a fire for cooking.

  Jiang Hongmei frowned in thought, but Xiao Cuizhen's face was a little uneasy, and her chubby face was full of displeasure.

  These people have not even entered Qin Suyun's house to take a look, but they all believe that the coal was not stolen by Qin Suyun. This is too biased!

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