4. Education

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The next day,
Gyanika got up and after having bath she started her education.

Shiva- Putri, we will first start with Chaturdasha Vidyasthanas.
Gyan- What is that Pitashree?
Shiva- It is the 14 main Vidya's, It consists of:-
• The four Vedas
• The 6 Vedangas
• Itihasa and Puranas
• Dharmashatra
• Darsana
• And Nyaya.
Today we will start with Vedas.

Gyanika nodded and then Mahadev said.

Shiva- Putri, the four Veda's consist of Rigveda, Samveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda.

In Rigveda, The hymns are denoted to celestial deity's. The hymns contain praises, invocations, and philosophical discussions.
The Rigveda is organized into ten books, and each book is further divided into hymns. The hymns are written in the form of poetry and are composed in a highly structured and rhythmic manner.

Mahadev then told Gyanika the hymns and for 1 month she and Mahadev use to have shastrarath and she use to read the Rigveda as well as pratice Kala's with the 3 Sakhi's of her and Siddhi's from Mata Parvati.

One month later, she was well versed with Rigveda and then Mahadev moved forward with Yajurveda.

Shiva- Putri, The Yajurveda focuses on proper ways to perform rituals especially Yajna's. It gives a detailed information about prayers and the duties performed by the Purohit's. It is mainly used to invoke celestial being's and seek their blessings.
It also contains Tatva gyaan (philosophy) and helps one understand Dharma.

Again for 1 month she studied and read the Yajurveda and then a month later she was well versed in it.

Shiva- Putri, Samaveda consists of hymns, chants and melodies which are mostly derived from Rigveda. It is set in a musical way and are intended to be sung.
The Samaveda is divided into three parts:- Archika (prayers)
Udgitha (chant of Sama)
Upasana (worship)
The Udgitha is considered the most important part and is chanted during the Soma sacrifice.

Again she began to chant the mantras of Samaveda and her mind and soul started to purify and elevated. One month later she was done and she moved towards the last Veda.

Shiva- Putri now the final Veda, the Atharva Veda. The Atharvaveda is the fourth Veda, and it consists of hymns, spells, charms, and incantations.
Unlike the other three Vedas, the Atharvaveda addresses a diverse range of subjects, including healing, magical rites, daily life, and philosophical reflections. The hymns of the Atharvaveda cover a wide array of topics, ranging from prayers for health and prosperity to charms and spells for protection against evil forces. It includes incantations for various life events such as childbirth, marriage, and death.

Gyanika took 1 month and all the shlokas and hymns were memorised by her. Mahadev was a little sceptical since she memorised the Veda's in a span of 4 months. hence, he decided to test her.

She answered Mahadev correctly and Mahadev realised that Gyanika had a photogenic memory.

Shiva- Putri, now we will move on the topic of Upaveda. The four Upaveda's are:-
• Ayurveda - Ayurveda encompasses knowledge about maintaining a balanced and healthy life, herbal medicine, surgery, and various therapeutic practices.
• Dhanurveda - Dhanurveda is the science of archery and military arts.
• Gandharvaveda - It is also called Sangeet Shastra. It is the science of music and performing arts.
• Arthaveda - It consists of the Arthashastra (science of economics, governance and politics).

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