❪ 001 ❫. start of a new beginning

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001. start of a new beginning

  start of a new beginning

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IT WAS HARD TO KEEP TRACK OF TIME WHEN ENCASED IN THE SAME ROOM AT ALL TIMES. Quinn didn't know how long it had been since she was arrested, thrown into the skybox without a care, leaving her with a loud door bang. She guessed it had been months, maybe a year, since she was stuck. Quinn would pick up her sense of time when the guards came in with books her parents spared for her, giving her something to do instead of being driven into insanity.

         Despite being separated by a metal door, the family remained strong. When Quinn doubted she would make it for when she was to be floated, Jamison's and Ivy's faces would appear in her mind, her body being relaxed by a sense of calmness. But it was different now. Hearing the commotion occurring just outside her door roused Quinn from her sleep, her brows heavily furrowed as she stalked towards the door, placing her ear against the cold metal, which sent a chill down her spine.

         She heard impacts that Quinn guessed were punches being thrown, a string of curses, and incoherent yells from multiple people seemingly echoing. As the sound of heavy footsteps got closer and closer to her door, the lock undoing itself, Quinn jumped away. For what she hoped would be her parents, it was guards locking eyes with the girl. Their stares were heavy, a hidden menacing glint underneath their hooded irises. "Prisoner one-four-three, face the wall."

         Gulping down the fear that screamed in her guts, she sheepishly nodded and followed the orders she was given. She faced the wall, standing so close that her nose was inches away from touching the cold stone. She knew not to ask questions, and even if she did, they would be unanswered. So, the girl listened obediently, hoping for an explanation to all of this would be explained shortly.

         "Hold out your right arm." Quinn followed the instructions given, their voices sounding robotic. She slightly whipped her head around to see a metal wristband in the guard's hand that was shut tightly against her wrist. She winced lightly at the unexpected pressure, causing her arm to feel more heavy than usual. Quinn hoped that they would lead her to where she was supposed to be gently, but their hands were hard as they pushed her in the right direction.

         Quinn blinked at the lights overwhelming her vision when she was led out of her small room, her mouth dropping agape to see each prisoner being let out of their rooms, escorted by guards, from each floor of where the juveniles were locked in. Questions rummaged through the McKenna girl's head.

         Living in space and being on the Ark, equipment was scarce. A vital one being oxygen. Even if the Ark gave sanctuary to people for ninety-seven years, and even if Earth was said to be survivable for another hundred years, they were soon going to have shortages of necessities civilians needed. This brought up the question: was the council planning to execute every juvenile before their time to save time for others?

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