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"Are you out of your mind?" Jasper blurted, the words coming out before he thought better of it. Around him, people shifted, reacting. "What happens if-"

Boom. The ground shook. Along the cafeteria shelves, plates and cutlery clattered noisily. There were exclamations of surprise and fear.

"Quiet!" Reyal shouted, cutting through the noise. Her eyes unfocused for a moment as she checked her feed. "It's one of the attacking fighter craft. They were just knocked out, crashed down on a nearby island."

"The pleasure cruise took one out?" Someone asked. People began to chatter again, a collective wave of surprise.

"That settles it," Annika spoke up. "Clearly, the ship seems to be able to handle itself."

"It's still a warzone!" Jasper found himself protesting.

"Yes, it is." Annika answered, locking him in with her gaze. He managed to  maintain the connection for only it for a moment before looking away, displeased.

With a sniff, she turned to address the whole group. "I'm going to ask for volunteers first, before selecting."

Riko stepped forward almost immedietly, the gills along his neck flaring out. "I'll go. You need a pilot." Jasper eyed him with a tinge of admiration. Riko had been born and raised on this planet, and it made sense he would volunteer himself to keep it safe. Still, Jasper couldn't even fathom that willingness to put one's life on the line, not these days.

  Armed with her booming voice, Reyal quickly assembled a group: Riko would pilot and act as security, assisted by another member of his team. She also managed to rope in Edin as a technician on-hand; he stepped in after Arden eagerly offered himself.

Then, finally, she turned to Jasper, who, with a sinking feeling in his stomach, knew what was coming next.

    "You said volunteers first!"

    "I did."

    "Okay, well ask, then!" Jasper didn't care how he sounded. Right outside the complex, just a few leagues away, was a smoking, mangled husk of a ship. There was nothing stopping the same from happening to him.

    "Okay, then." She looked around. "Would anyone like to step up? Someone who thinks they can fill in for the head of the Medical Department? It wouldn't be ideal - you'd have to carry your own equipment, unlike someone with a Factor."

    Jasper gritted his teeth, very aware of his subordinates' silence. They failed to meet his look, Reyal's intimidation far stronger than any influence he had over them. Hannah, one of his physicians, gave him a weak, timid smile.

    Jasper threw up his hands, stomping towards the assembled squad.

    "Fine! I get it. I don't have a choice, right?" Ardern reached out to give him a sympathetic pat as he passed, but he shrugged it off.

    Coward, the Old One sneered. You've gotten so, so soft. Jasper clenched his hands into fists, fear and rage tearing his brain in two. Undeterred, Reyal took advantage of his preoccupation, quickly shepherding the group out of the hall and through the resort. They were almost halfway to Aquatime's shipyard before Jasper had the sense to complain again. But even as he opened his mouth, Jasper felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning, he saw Edin, his brow furrowed with concern.

    "What's going on, Rift?" He asked. "I've never seen you like this before..."

    Jasper shook his head, unable to form even the ghost of an explanation. "You don't know what's waiting up there," was all he said. "Reyal doesn't understand what she's making us do."

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