Jeongin/I.N. (Alternative)

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"Maybe We're Both Right" by Munn

"I'll be leaving." I say to Jeongin as I packed my makeup kit.

"Where are you going?"

"I have a client."

"I thought you only worked for the company."

"I did but I got this offer and money is money, right?"

He lets me leave without saying anything after. I look back to him as he takes pictures of himself. I left without a sound as the lock of the door filled the silence.

I was going to an actor stage set up. He is a well-known actor. His face is currently all over the city and his name is getting big.

I knew that they're going to be cameras as I usually worked around cameras anyway.

I get there and do what I was called to do but, the actor was very handsy. There were other actors and staff in the room with us but, they didn't stop him. The most he would do was wrap his arms around me and pull me closer to him.

When the video was posted, people noticed him in the background with me. Someone on set must've recorded us, but nothing happens. I was being professional, he was not. I hadn't told Jeongin, but when he saw, he came fuming at me.

"Was that you?"

"Yes, it was, but why?"

"How could you? You're with me."

"I know, so what's the big deal? I didn't do anything."

"Big deal? It looked like you were all over him. You're never like that with me even when the cameras are rolling. You want him because he's better, richer, more "mature" than me, uh?"

"Jeongin, it wasn't like that! I would never. It's the angle. Ask anyone there! I didn't do anything!"

"Oh please, like you wouldn't leave at the chance for someone older than me."

"Are you hearing yourself. You sound crazy. Open up your eyes, I was pulling away!"

"It's not the first time you left the company to go work somewhere else. What else have you been doing?"

"Really? I'm sorry I actually have to go out and find work to sustain a living."

"Are you listening to me? No, you're not because you never do."

"I don't listen to you, or you don't listen to me?"

"You didn't even tell me that it had happened. You don't talk to me."

"Because I didn't think I had to. It's a one-time thing."

"So, you admit to it."

"No, that's not... It happened but it was all him. If I spoke up, what would happen to me, to my job?"

"I think we need a break. I'll find a new makeup artist for the time being."

He begins to walk away from me. I stood there until a rage came over me like I was drowning in water.


He stops for a moment. His back turned to me. Nothing, nothing happens, and he continued to walk out the door.


We haven't spoken since the fight over something that I couldn't control. Over time, the dark circles under my eyes began to be noticeable. My upturned smile started falling to a frown. I tried to speak with him, but he brushed me off. Someone took my place, and I don't do Jeongin's makeup anymore.

I caught him alone in the other room.


He doesn't move or look back to me. He doesn't even flinch when I called his name. 

"Can we talk?"

"I have nothing to say to you, Y/N."

"I know but I have something to say to you."

"I don't want to hear. I think what's best for the both of us is to leave it where it is."

"Jeongin, please. CAN WE JUST TALK!"

He walks out of the room leaving me standing alone. Other makeup artist and staff walk by the door looking at me. I don't move from where I stood. How could he? Can't he see that I'm hurting too. I don't know what do anymore. It wasn't my fault; it wasn't my fault.


I stopped working for the company and started doing jobs I was offered. I saw Jeongin found someone knew too. They're not a public couple, but I still see him sometimes at the places we shared to each other. I know when idols our hiding their relationship. 

We don't communicate and lost contact. 


Have I been happy? I gotten older and my body has change. Makeup covered my pain and hurt for such a long time. I would've thought that I would be alone for the rest of my life after him. I couldn't move on because I still searched for closure. I wanted to still tell him. I regret that I didn't tell him or anyone what happened to me that day. I wanted him to know that I wasn't wrong, and he was. As time moved on, I did too. The person I'm with now... is a good one. 


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