CH-59 Team Jimin VS Team Suhani

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*SNEEZE! SNEEZE !* And it never stop I am sneezing continuously and not only me everyone of us who get wet is sneezing now and than

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*SNEEZE! SNEEZE !* And it never stop I am sneezing continuously and not only me everyone of us who get wet is sneezing now and than . Well we just played around the water fall for whole two hours and we all didn't even had extra clothes so that means we are wearing the same wet clothes and we have to wear them untill we all get back to farm house .

Ayla-Oh god I am freezing cold .

She said wiping her nose as gracy who is in jennie arms look at her mother for sure ayla can't take her otherwise she will also get cold .

Suhani-It all happened because of you guys.   * SNEEZE *

Jimin- Don't blame us when you guys also enjoyed it as much as we did.

Ayla-Right but you guys forcefully took us in the water fall .

Jungkook-Yeah but you guys can go out also if you don't want to stay but you guys stayed because you were having fun .

Ella-Guys stop fighting now lets get home fastly other wise you all will catch cold .

Rose-Oh ella dear we already had catched it .

She sneezed as I rub myself because of how cold it is already and I am wearing these wer clothes not making easy for me I am shivering and I can't even walk properly because of clothes get heavier. Jimin hold my hand in his and start walking.

Jimin- Keep up with little I had call the rides to the farm .

Syria-Thank God finally we can take rest otherwise I can't even walk properly.

Evelyn-Tell me about it .

I take a shaly breath as my teeths are clattering but I just keep walking silently because its better to walk right now than to talk .

As soon we are walking down the mountains and at mountain roads two big cars are already waiting for us and I found arif , Mukhtar , Tobby and ither security guards. As we are near Mukhtar hold jimin the dry towel and he wrapped around me. As they brought few towels and everyone start drying themselves.

Tobby- Mrs Park your coffee .

He hand me the cup of hot coffee and I take it smiling.

Suhani-Thanks tobby.

Jimin-Come on get in the car .

He helped me getting in the car and than he also get inside with me as jungkook , Ayla , Kate and Syria get inside with us and the kids are with jennie , hawasa and Ella in other cars . I sip on my hot coffee feeling little relaxed as Jimin is looking at me only he remove my wet hairs from my face keeping them behind.

I realised he still didn't dry himself with towel so I take off mine and share with him as he just smile a little I also share my coffee with him .

Ayla- You could've ordered coffee for all of us . We are also freezing here brother.

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