Chapter Sixteen

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Persephone's POV:

We paused our talk to read Aurora a bedtime story and tuck her in bed with her protests to have River over tomorrow and that we would organise something.

Luiza gave us some privacy as we went out to the backyard to have our talk.

Silence filled the space between us for a while before River turned to me waiting for me to start the story. Even if she didn't believe me, it was the truth.

"So, to make this as short as possible without all the massive details, dad was high and deep in money fraud, $50,000 to be exact and his time had come short to be caught so instead of taking the fall, he threw me under the bus. Obviously not being aware of anything but having a good lawyer, I took the blame so I got 7 years in prison. When I got out at 27, I didn't want anything to do with the family so I left to Italy, being in prison gave me contacts to get myself started. In Italy is where I met Luiza and restarted my life, my brand and everything to be here again. Dad wanted to apologise and the only way he could do that was co sign my name onto the contract" I took a deep breath but I saw confusion, hurt but also I saw the truth behind River's eyes, she believed me.

"I wanted to tell you but for years... 15 years you thought I just walked out and destroyed the family when in reality I was saving us" I told her and River nodded her head.

"I get it, I do but I looked up to you from when we were kids, even before Darcy was born, you could of told me, I would of come with you" River told me and I smiled at her sisterly love for me.

"I know that's why I couldn't let you destroy your life in prison" I leaned forward and kissed her forehead, "It's what big sisters do" I told her and she shook her head but the smile broke through.

"Look, what's done is done, it can't be changed and I'm sure father has stopped all of that, I'm more curious in you, who's this Jordan person?" I asked her and I saw the guilt cross her face but quickly changed to fury.

"He used to work for me, he was making remarks to Caitlyn and making her uncomfortable, so I embarrassed him apparently and fired him, one night after work he waited for me with his friends with weapons and attacked me, I fought back and left them on the floor licking their wounds but now Damon knows and I don't know how many more" she told me and I raised an eyebrow and she knew what I was asking.

She stood and lifted her shirt showing the bruises still present on her body.

"River!" I said a bit too loudly and she shushed me.

"Stop, it doesn't hurt as much anymore" she said and put her shirt down and sat down again.

"That's why I went wild at Damon on you, I don't like it, and also cause of Darcy last year" she added on and now I was curious what happened to Darcy.

"What do you mean?" I asked and she swallowed and now I was worried.

"She was kidnapped last year, no idea what happened to her, she only told the authorities, not even us" River said and now my blood was boiling, some real sick people in the world.

"Look, Seph, I do believe everything you told me, we go forward from this point on, I'll speak to Darcy and tell her the truth too, then you can see her, just give me time" River said and I smiled at the old nickname and I nodded then my body crumbled as she hugged me. Having her back meant so much to me.

I walked her to the door and she left, I locked up and went to the kitchen to see Luiza and she looked up at me and gave me a smile. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder.

"You good?" she asked as I buried my head in her neck, taking her in and gave a kiss.

"I'm perfect, coming to bed?" I asked and started walking but held my hand out to her.

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