Chapter 11

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Mel POV:

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Mel POV:

I feel a tap on my shoulder, I open my eyes and realize I fell asleep on the plane.

I look up to see that the first testicle, Zander was the one that tapped me.

He's just looking at me, myself starring back. "Yeah?" I ask, slightly weirded out. This bitch first had the audacity to wake me up, then doesn't even say anything?


He clears his throat at asks if I want any food or a drink.

"No thanks. Actually, can I get a scotch on the rocks?" I ask, I doubt they'll actually give her alcohol considering I'm 15 years old, but I'll gladly take it if they let me.

They both chuckle, probably thinking I'm kidding.


They snap their heads towards me. Oops, I think I said that out loud.


I give a tight lipped smile, and turn back over to sleep.

"What did you just call us?" Zander asks with annoyance lacing his tone.

"A bitch. But I didn't mean to say it out loud, not that I'm upset I did." I answer honestly, not bothering to open my eyes.

"We will discuss rules at home, but I wont tolerate you swearing at us or any of your brothers." He says in a formal tone.

This makes me open my eyes and look at him. "No." I say before I can think. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow, almost daring me to deny him of this. Little does he know that I won't be taking shit from any of these people.

"No," I continue, "I've went my whole life raising myself, I will listen to what you have to say, and we can negotiate. But the chances of me following them are slim. You can't tell a 15 year old that you just met that she isn't allowed to swear, and I would bet a pretty penny that you don't have a 'no swearing' rule for my brothers," I add, putting an emphasis on the word 'brothers'.

He looks speechless for a moment, and when I think he won't respond I'm about to turn away and close my eyes.

I think I'm a little cranky from not sleeping.

As I close my eyes to get some more sleep, he speaks up.

"I'm sorry. You're right, I don't have a rule for the boys not to swear. But I would appreciate it if you didn't swear at me, because then we will have a problem. I won't tolerate disrespect, we can talk more about it when we get home." He says, and I'm suprised he apologized.

But I know better than to believe an apology.

Regardless, I give a simple nod. We'll see about the respect thing, often times people need to earn my respect. Though, knowing he is the don of the Italian mafia, I know I will grow to respect him,

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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