four: the idea

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week later

"boys are dickheads and my life is a nightmare"

"good morning" Yuri chuckles at jungkooks words who was laying on the floor and to be more specific on carpet, looking at the ceiling "how are your first days hon?" Yuri added while making his bed "why my life have to be such an embarrassment? what have I done to deserve it!" he said making Yuri laugh "oh jungkookie sweetie, you always were so dramatic. stop thinking about it, you'll see when you gonna start work and trust me, It's gonna be way worse than this"

"hey, that one hurt. you work basically only for me" jungkook pouted, Yuri rolled eyes and kneeled next to him just to put a kiss on top of his head "and I would never change that, never" she said, she always was for jungkook like a sweet aunt. when Yuri stand up again trying to clean jks room jungkook breath out and started "Yuri?" the woman hummed simply.

"If there was a man who you like... really wanted and there was some kind of thing you guys did like I don't know, kissing? and he started to blew you off since then what would you do?" jungkook asked making Yuri look at him worriedly, she sat on the bed next to where the boy was laying asking "honey, did someone used you?", "no no, It's not that... It was my fault because we, weren't supposed to you know... kiss or something..." jungkook quickly said mumbling last words.

Yuri thought for some moments, trying to analyse what jungkook just told her and finally answered "I would go and talk to him, in a peaceful way. don't push yourself because it won't help if he's not interested in you" making jungkook sigh "and If he doesn't want to?", "then you shouldn't be bothering yourself with such a person, it's not worth it" Yuri said.

jungkook bite lower lip, closing eyes yeah, but he is worth it...


there is a class going on right now where Mr Kim-taehyung is absolutely ignoring jungkook who was starring at him like he's some painting, getting annoyed at his behaviour.

when the lesson came to the end and everyone started to leave the class jungkook was the last one to 'leave' when he decided to close door behind everyone making taes attention be finally throw into his direction.

"how can I help you, jungkook?" taehyung asked with neutral expression "sorry for disturbing you Mr Kim, um I wanted to talk to you" jungkook whispered, biting lower lip "about what?", "about... us" jungkook whispered making taehyung stop whatever was doing and turn around to jungkook "go on", "listen, I'm sorry that... I came on the party knowing that you gonna be there, I didn't mean to make you I-I don't know, feel surrounded by some randome student like me" jungkook started.

"It's just... I think you're really cool and smart and kind to everyone, I really like to listen to you on our lessons and I thought you like me too I don't know, that was so stupid of me. I'm sorry, I'm admitting I was wrong and It was all my fault" jungkook said, clenching fists at how quickly he said that, he hates apologising. taehyung title head to the side while hearing these words.

he walked closer to the younger boy and grabbed his arm making jungkook look up at him "I forgive you" jungkook blushed, looking at taes hand which was rubbing his uncovered skin so softly "I'm sorry for saying some hurtful words to you" taehyung added making jungkook smile at him melting inside gosh I want him so badly- calm down, remember what Yuri said. just play cool, you are cool. don't overthink his every move, he's your teacher... just a teacher, and you are his student

"I'm really intimidated by your confession and thank you very much for your kind words but you know how it could end, I mean our friendship outside the school. I could lose a job and you could not graduate. and we have to keep it strictly professional" taehyung continued making jungkook nods, looking down well yeah... I don't think he got what I meant by 'I like you' , for his knowledge I didn't mean it in a friendship way but okay, uh fuck let's get over it

"but" taehyung began, jks eyes went again up to meet his siren ones "between us, you are my favourite student, if that is any consolation to you" taehyung said, winking at the younger whose blinding smile showed up onto his face.

their eyes slowly went more down to each others lips and after realising it they quickly looked away, taehyung while running palms through hair this time a little bit more nervously said "sorry, I have to go lock the classroom so, have a nice weekend jungkook. thank you again for your apologies, I appreciate it" jungkook nods, bowing before also saying flustered "have a nice weekend too, Mr Kim" breathing out at again getting lost in tae's handsomeness, quickly shaking the thoughts away "bye!" jks said before quickly leaving the class.

outside, on the corridor he noticed his friend. "jin!" jungkook screamed and seokjin waved to him "what's up, kookie" meanwhile wearing uniform jacket. "nothing much, I just talked to Mr Kim- I mean taehyung- I mean ugh you know who" jungkook said leaning against the lockers behind with his back "he's so handsome, my goodness. like a walking god, a model" he sigh out, whipping his face with hands hopeless.

"about what?" jin asked, chuckling a little. he have never seen jungkook into someone so it was kind of a weird and funny thing to see a guy who didn't believe in love behave like a melting ice. "about him making boundaries between us, of course. as If there is something to stop me being into him or whatever" jungkook mumbled, adding "fuck this, I can't keep the boundaries when he's literally a walking fountain of sex" a sigh "and I'm still a virgin so, it sucks even harder when I get a fucking orgasm on his lessons. and don't laugh at me because I'm not kidding, you don't even realise how wet I am when I look at him"

jin laughed at that, patting jks shoulder "It's going to be okay, kookie. I guess?" jin said when suddenly their friend from a class run towards them "hey guys, have you seen anywhere Mr Kim from english?", "yeah he just left" jin said while jungkook acting like is about to cry turned around to face the lockers and smashed forhead against it not strong enough to hurt making jin chuckle.

"sorry, he's always that way. anyway, why?" jin asked "because he left a really needed papers a woman from the secretariat said, he needs them to fill them for the end of the weekend and bring them on monday" the guy said making jungkook smile, getting an idea.

"well, about that" he said with huge smirk while looking at the two confused boys "I know where he lives so I can get them to him tomorrow evening" jungkook said with crossed arms proudly "you do?" the guy asked "yeah, you do?" jin asked as well making jungkook pout " yeah I fucking do, I know where all our teacher lives. duh, that's not weird, remember that almost all of them works from my dads money", the guy shrugged and gave the papers to jungkook "thanks then" he said before walking away.

jungkook was smiling stupidly while hugging the papers, laughing proudly making jin say scared of his friend sat "oh no, what are you thinking about?"

thank you for over 400👁️ wow... I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH


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