Part 14: Playing catch-up.

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Dialogue: "Potatoes"
Thoughts: 'Potatoes'
Me Talking: (Mooshi: "POTATOES!")
Horny: "Ara ara~~"
Whispers: "Potatoes"
Sarcasm: 'Potatoes'
Sounds: *Cough*
Exposition: Potatoes
Action: [Picks up Potato]
Effect: {Muffled Monkey Violence}
Time Skip: --XX minutes/hours/days Later--


--Y/N's POV--

We were still waiting to land, and Summer had begun to plan to give Ruby the greatest birthday surprise she's ever had. I wasn't totally against it, I had gone through a lot of trouble to get Summer back so I also believed a reveal like this was alright. Although, Azure & Chrome are very much against what she has planned.

Chrome: "You are gonna give the girl a fucking heart attack!"

Azure: "Seriously? You are just gonna bring Summer into her daughter's room while she is still in the coffin?"

Y/N: 'You know, they do have a point... Bringing in a presumed dead relative, who is in fact still alive, in a coffin is not the safest idea. especially for a girl as young as Ruby.' "I understand your concerns, but in my defense this is all Summer's idea."

Summer: [nodding] "Yeah, and I really want to surprise my dear Ruby, it's been too long..."

Summer's faces the floor of the bullhead, looking downtrodden from Chrome & Azure rejecting our birthday surprise for Ruby. However, upon seeing Summer look so sad, Chrome seemed to relent.

Chrome: *Sigh* "Listen, I am just putting myself in her shoes. If my mother all of a sudden came back from the dead, the last thing I'd want to see her in is a fucking coffin! But, if you guys are able to handle a little girl collapsing in shock from seeing her mother after, what, 12 years? Then go ahead."

Azure: [Nodding while patting Chrome's back] "Yeah, that's my concern too. I haven't been 'Dead' for more than 2 weeks and all of the special operators threw a massive fit over the phone when they learned I was alive. I don't want to imagine what your family will do when they see you're still alive."

I see Summer perk up when she heard that, happy to know that her birthday surprise wasn't totally out the window.

Y/N: "Although, if Ruby does pass out, I'm blaming you..."

I lightly jab Summer on her face with my index.


--Calamitas's POV--

Calamitas: 'Too much noise...'

I was walking around the nearest city that me and Celestia could find, it was a city called Vale if I remembered correctly. I had disguised myself by making my horns invisible while also changing the colour of my skin to a more normal human colour. While Celestia was easier to blend in, only requiring us to get her some clothes, granted she was too thrilled about that.

Celestia: "Why do I have to wear this? I think my vines would be more than enough clothing."

Calamitas: "No, no they are not Celestia. Although I would've rather had you get clothes from James, but he isn't here. Not to mention you look great in those, so just bear with it."


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(This is the only image of the Terraria Dryad wearing something that wouldn't be taken down I could find. BTW, the image is not mine, look at the bottom right corner.)

Celestia seemed pretty happy with my complement, smirking with pride.

Celestia: "Well, I suppose I can see what you mean. I guess that wearing my vines alone would be rather... unconventional."

I smirked before I continued walking, Celestia following behind me. I look around, it is a bustling city with several different types of people. This is a gathering place of many types of people, most certainly because of this Vytal Festival that is going to happen soon. The sounds of cars driving by with the sounds of fanfare echoed through these streets. It was a bit too loud in my personal opinion.

Calamitas: 'I bet Yharim would be interested in this place, he was always interested in discovering new places. Also, I bet he would be most interested with the gods of this world, however weak they are.'

I thought back to my old boss, as seemingly cruel as he was, he still did care for me. He even wished for Y/N to care for me when he couldn't. I smiled, he left so many messages for him to find and piece together. Although, I don't think Y/N ever put all of the puzzle pieces together, Y/N wasn't one for history books.

Celestia: "I don't understand how these people can live like this, the air is so dirty and there's barely any plants around."

I look around to see, at best, a line of half dead trees lining the sidewalk. It was rather disturbing compared to the lush forests that I lived in before, but I found it rather likable compared to the Brimstone Craig.

Calamitas: "Hmm, I suppose you're right. There is barely any foliage in this city, Y/N at least kept a field of grass around my house."

I see a suspicious group of people moving into an alleyway, dragging a man with them. I wished to continue walking past, but Celestia wanted to go see what was going on. I just sighed in annoyance and followed her.

We saw exactly what I expected, a group of... What were they called? White faint? Fades? eh, whatever, dragging a faunus who I'd guess isn't affiliated with them and committing a felony grade of assault. Despite the numbers disadvantage, the man was putting up a good fight.

WFG1: "You should've stayed with us, Adam doesn't allow deserters to live you know."

??????: "Well, maybe he should've gotten so terroristic if he didn't want deserters."

I decided that I had seen enough and tried to walk away, but Celestia, ever the bleeding heart, didn't let me.

Celestia: "We can't just leave that man alone."

Calamitas: "I can and I will. This has nothing to do with us."

Celestia: "Come on, if we help him then we might get some better directions."

I remember that the last time I asked for directions from somebody in this city he tried leading us into an alleyway and thus we knocked them out and walked around, lost.

Calamitas: "Fine, but only cause I want directions."

Celestia and I walked over to the group, Celestia then gripped one of the grunts shoulder and ripped them off the man. The grunt went flying and slammed into the ally wall, I heard a muffled snap as the grunts arm was snapped in half. That caught their attention, the other 3 grunts turn to face us.

WFG3: "What the fuck?!"

WFG2: "They just took out Vance!"

They readied themselves to fight us, but then the man they were assaulting stood up and threw a painful right hook to the 3rd grunts head. A shimmer of dark green aura appeared around the grunt before it shattered and they fell unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2024 ⏰

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Wonder how this will come back to bite him, given what he said to Adam in chapter 3

7mo ago

she borrows ze wallets

7mo ago

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