Chapter 3

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While Walking In The Forest, Eight Girls And Two Boys Were Getting Tired, So Marika Told Them To Take A Break And Relax! Meanwhile Back At The Castle, Pororo And His Friends Are Decorating The Castle For Petty's Graduation And Petty Was Waiting Because She Can't Wait To Graduate! Pororo Blow The Balloons, Crong And Eddy Putted A Certificate Somewhere Safe! Loopy Planted The Sakura Cherry Blossoms, And Poby, Harry, Popo And Pipi Are Setting Up The Chairs! "Okay Everyone, Now That We Setted Up The Graduation, Let's Practice, Petty, Get Ready To Practice!" Said Pororo. Then Petty Said "Okay, I'm Ready To Practice!" After Practicing, They Wait To Make The Sun Go Down And Everyone Took A Break! While Taking A Break, Pororo Came To Petty And Said "Petty, How Are You Feeling?" Then Petty Said "I Feel Nervous Because I'm Going To Miss You!" She Feels Sad Because She's Going To Miss Her Friends And She Hugged Him! Meanwhile, Back With Eight Girls And Two Boys Came Inside The Pororo's Castle, When They Went Inside Of The Castle, No One's Home!

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