5 - Christmas market

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˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ - Y/N'S POV

December 22, 2023

{Sorry about the time skip, but Y/n just watched TV and visited Lily and her mom. + no more messages from Tony to which she responded}

I am so excited, all week I had looked forward to the holiday / Christmas market in NYC.
I was going to the Union Square Christmas Market as Maeva had said it was amazing!

{I trust Google for this, I've never been to NY, and surely not with Christmas}

I put on black jeans, a white T-shirt and took my favorite Christmas sweater.

I put on black jeans, a white T-shirt and took my favorite Christmas sweater

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I called my driver and soon enough I arrived at the market.

It felt weird not having anyone to talk to or share the experience with. I had already done a lot alone (concerts, movie theatre/cinema, shopping,...), but the idea of celebrating my favorite holiday alone just didn't sit right.

Maybe I should find someone to spend Christmas with on the 24th. But quickly decided it would be something to think about later.

Walking towards the entrance I felt cold breezes and tiny little snowflakes fall from the sky.

My heart clenched at the sight I was seeing. Couples sharing a drink and kissing softly. Children laughing or asking their parents to buy them something. Friends who were ice skating in the ice ring. Everyone enjoying this together.

Whatever, c'mon myself. Don't let this ruin your Christmas. This was your fault. Plenty of people have asked you. So now enjoy.

I take a deep breath in and out, plastering a smile on my face and walking forward.

I see tons of socks, sweaters, and snow globes. I bought a cute little Santa hat for dogs (Maeva has a dog) and a sweater for myself. you can never have too many sweaters, right? 

However, when I stood in line for a hot chocolate 3 fans came over to ask for a  selfie.

Of course, I agreed, but this did catch some attention from other people, who also asked for a picture.

Eventually, it became my turn for my drink, after I got it, I excused myself from the people and speed-walked away from there.

Down the streets, I found a doorstep I could sit on.

Perfect, I'll drink my hot chocolate here and call my driver after.

As it was nearing 10 pm I didn't like being alone in NYC. There are and will always be weird people out there,  with no good intentions.

˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ - WANDA's POV

Tony, Pepper, Clint and his kids and wife, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Bruce, Natasha, Kate, Peter, Ned, MJ, and I have decided to go to the biggest Christmas market in NYC.

We all love the holiday spirit.

Even tho we did separate into tiny groups about half an hour ago.
- Tony, Pepper, Peter, Ned and MJ
- Clint, Laura, Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel
- Natasha, Kate and I
- Steve, Bucky and Sam
- And Bruce saw a friend of his

Nat, Kate, and I just wanted some calmness from the crazy amount of loud people there.

So we were walking down the streets of New York City, admiring the decorations and lights.

"Guys, stop walking and look at me," Kate whispers-shouts at us, which makes us stop dead in our tracks.

"Is everything alright? Do you need something? Saw something?" Natasha asks Kate with a gaze full of concern.

"No, I- I- isn't that *eyes at Y/n* Y/n? The one Stark has been talking about these past few weeks? His daughter?" Kate whispers eyeing her.

I look at Nat as she turns around without making it obvious. Not wanting us both to turn around at the same time.

Her eyes rested on Y/n I suppose. She didn't look away and just stood there staring. Respecting her privacy I don't enter her mind to see what she's thinking or feeling.

After some seconds it begins to look creepy as she doesn't shift her gaze once back to us, so I nudge her lightly gaining back her focus on us.

She clears her throat before saying; "Yeah that's her". I think I can distinguish a light blush on her cheeks but it could easily be from the cold.

"Should we talk to her? Tony would kill us if he knew we saw her but didn't say anything." I say looking at Kate and Nat.

"We should definitely talk to her but how? She was very clear in her messages to Tony," Kate says while thinking.

Before I can even say what I think, Nat takes both of our hands and drags us towards her.

And there we are, all three in front of her looking very awkward.

I thought Nat was smarter than this, we don't even have a plan.

Y/n looks up at us still sipping from her drink. Her eyes widen when she sees our faces.

"hi," Y/n says doing a little wave with her hand as none of us said something.

I could see she didn't know what to do and I just hope Nat finds something to say to make this situation better.

"H- hi," Kate says looking at her and then at Natasha.

Natasha just stood still eyeing her up and down before coming back to her senses.

Is Nat seriously checking her out now? I think to myself face-palming myself in my mind.

"Oh eumh hi, we saw you sitting here and well we wanted to say hi! You probably have heard already about us.. the Avengers hehe. Well, I- no I- how are you doing, enjoying the evening?" Kate says sitting next to her on the doorstep.

Y/n shifts a bit to the left so they can have more place.

"Yeah I do know who you are," she says with a chuckle. "And yes I am enjoying my evening thank you. How about you?"

"I am indeed. I love Christmas!" Kate turns now completely towards her.

Y/n just smiles at her, but her smile quickly fades as she turns to me and Natasha.

"Look if you want to ask if I want to meet Tony or call him. The answer is no." She says dropping eye contact and staring at the ground.

"Look we have a Christmas party tomorrow at 8 pm. There will be plenty of people and drinks and music. You can take someone with you if you want to.
At least think about it. You will be on the guest list." Natasha finally speaks up.

Y/n just hums as she takes her belongings.

As she starts walking away she says "I'll think about it, nice to meet you all,"

˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ -

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{reminder that it is okay to do things on your own! 💗

Okay have a nice day 👋}

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