Chapter 6

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"The princess looked at him and- Oh she's asleep" i laughed silently and closed the book putting it aside

I moved Rosanna head gentle not trying to wake her up, I  soon picked Rosanna up and carried her to the bedroom on my way i saw Isak room and took a peek making sure he's asleep.

"Good he is asleep" I spoke in a low voice

that cheeky little boy wouldn't a sleep for how long he was complaining" she said jokingly and laughed then took her to the bed

I opened the door and walked to the bed laying Rosanna there and tucked her in

"Good night my sweet" i said kissing her forehead then leaving
"Night night...." she mumbled half awake but soon fully slept

I took a peek out the door before blowing a kiss and leaving

As I walked with small steps I checked all of my children's bedroom when I arrived to  Frets room I  saw him crying and my heart began to hurt         

I had a worried expression and opened the door then closing it and walking to Fret

"Fret dear what happened?!" I said worried and seat on the couch beside him
"I-it's um nothing" he said looking away and wiping he's tears like nothing happened
" but my dear your crying"
" c-crying nonsense I'm a boy I don't cry" he said still wiping his tears but they where dropping
"You were and what's the problem if you cried and your a boy?" I asked
"Since Boys don't cry" he said slowly
"Who said boys don't cry" i sighed
"Father said"
"Oh hah will he is just lying, trust me when your father first proposed to me and I said yes he started crying"
"He did?"
"Yes, of course" She nodded
"Oh that's funny to think since he is always serious"
"It was but enough of that, why are you even crying?"

Fret was silent

"Do you not want to talk about it?"

He nodded

I sighed again and rubbed my head then spoke" alright will I'm going to sleep now goodnight dear" i kissed his forehead and got up my expression turning soft

I closed the door sighing and changed my expression  mad

"That bastard had something to do with it" i mumbled to myself and stumped to his office where I saw my husband on his desk working

"Ro" i said seriously while crossing my arms
"What now Marianna, can't you see I'm busy" Ro replied glaring at me
"Why is fret crying" i glared back
"How would I know"
"Something tells me you had to do with it"
" and what's that"
"Oh please, you've been rude and harsh to him ever since he began fighting"
"He just need to man up" he replied coldly
"Man up!? Are you insane he is only nine and your telling him to man up?!" I screamed In Rage
"Yes he needs to man up" Ro hit his desk in angry
"You bastard! What is wrong with you!?"

Ro looked at me coldly and got up from his desk

"What is wrong with me?" He said and grabbed my arm forcing me to look at him
"Yes what's wrong with you!"

Father grips my arm tighter making me wince in pain

" let me go" i demanded
"Make me"

I took a scoff and looked at him with a smile  "Make you?"

He nodded his head " thank god your not deaf"

I took my hand slapping His in the face harder making him let go and touched his cheek

"You little-"
"Next time don't try me you know what happened when I get mad" i glared at him coldly with a low and warning tone

Father looked at her mad

"Whatever" he said still touching his cheek

I stepped out of his office my long hair moving on my back as I walked with a frown

Why did he become like this? He was so sweet now look at him we are hitting and fighting everyday, it all happened when he first saw Rosanna. He smiled while seeing Isak but it faded when seeing Rosa, I thought and began to tear up while walking to the bedroom I went inside and fell on my knees crying

"Your majesty!?" Eliza said and ran to me then kneeled down and hugged me

I cried in her shoulder

"Your majesty? Why are you crying, please don't you'll make me cry" Eliza said and wiped my tears while i continued to cry.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it, Ro..." i said and couldn't continue to speak.

The door began to knock I got up and wiped my tears

" you may leave Eliza I'll take care of the rest"
"Are you sure?"

Eliza sighed and nodded her head opening the door for me to see Ro's mistress

"Jess" i said and wiped my tears while walking to the vanity
"Your majesty, I see you cried has something happened?"
" thats none of your concern" i said and shot a glare while sitting on the chair.
"No need to be harsh, I was just worried" Jess said and gulped, her pink bangs covered some parts of her eyes but I could see her eyes and she could see me.

"You think I asked for your concern? Now what do you want I don't have all day"
" I was asking what does the princess and prince like"
"Which one? I have more then one child" I said clearly annoyed
"Princess Rosanna and Prince Isak, the twins" She said and moved her hair from her face
"Why do you want to know?" I narrowed my eyes in suspicion
"I want to get them a gift"

A gift, why would she want to do that?

" Rosa and isak do not mind anything, they care about the thought not what it is"
"Oh okay" she looked away and turned her back

I scoffed slightly

"I'll be taking my leave now goodbye" Jess said and walked away

Finally she is gone I can sleep, I thought closing the bedroom door and laying down closing my eyes

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