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Test Tube's POV:

She's never felt this happy before, she really can't wait to spend time with Fan!! Even if it's only been 3 months since middle school, she absolutely loved him! Well... In a platonic way of course- She pulls back a little, and sees that Fan is blushing, A lot.

"Whoops.. Sorry Fan! Did I hug you to hard, or is this just surprising to you?"
She says, nervously.

Fan can barely even breath normally, as he just keeps staring at me with cloudy eyes... Wait- cloudy..? He calms down a little, and he tries to get the words out of his mouth.

"Yeah.. I'm fine Testy, no need to worry about me.." He giggles a bit after responding.

I smiles and giggles softly. "I really thought you forgot about that nickname Fan.. But I love that you still remembered!"
I says this to mess around with him, and wink playfully to see his reaction.

Fan swears he can feel his blush increase even more, as he just looks away from me and releases himself from the hug.

Oh right I forgot I was hugging him...

After a few minutes of silence, the bell rings, and we both stare at each other, and then laugh a bit before heading to our classes. "Cya Fanster!" I say, giggling.
"See you, Testy!" He says back.

We both wave each other goodbye before going into our classes. To be honest, I never expected Fan going to the same school as md, but I just can't stop thinking about the interaction we just had! It was adorable honestly. I chuckled as I almost get to the desk.

As I gets to my seat, I thinks for a bit before class starts. Giggling at the thought, I knows Fan to well...

Fan likes me, doesn't he? I couldn't stopped giggling at the thought of my favorite best friend liking me... I felt bad that I didn't feel the same way, but what should she do?

I-I know! I'll act like I doesn't know until Fan has the courage to tell me!

But.. If Fan likes me.. Then we could eventually.. Become more than just friends..

W-Wait what am I saying!? T-Test Tube ignore this and get ready for class...


Editors note: I got this High school idea from A Sodapack interaction on C.ai 😅 (If yk HFJONE then you'd probably get it)

I won't be posting so many chapters in one day, since I have to take a break once in a while. But I hope you guys enjoy my story, and give nice feedback, it would be amazing! 💕✨

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