Skiros hawked Sayori like a hungry predator. She kept contemplating whether to run away or try to fight him, knowing she did not have the potency to do so.
"Mister Skiros," She whispered.
"It is Boss to you." He replied.
"If you lay a single finger on me, I promise I will-"
"What, report me to headquarters?! HA, Don't make me laugh! What do you think they will do about it?" He slowly began approaching her. "You guys are my pawns in this corporation, and a pawn does not move unless I SAY SO!!"
She missed a step back and fell. "AH!"
Sayori did not stop crawling backward as she faced Skiros' rage.
"If you report to headquarters, you will just end up back to square one...jobless and with useless kids back home." She stood up and ran to their vehicle. "Miss Sayori, no need to hide in there. It's not like you would know how that thing even moves." He mocked her, but she got in the passenger door and locked herself in.
"Ah, brilliant move...close yourself within these highly secured system vehicles. Well-built to protect whatever was within the doors. However..."
He pulled out the contact key and unlocked the vehicle. "Cars of any sort are meant to keep things out of them, not inside. So please, will you just let me-"
He opened the door and saw her run out from the opposite entrance and down the road. Skiros turned to the glowing light on the seats before the grenade ignited.
"Son of a..."
The car was split to pieces as Sayori smiled out of relief. "I killed the captain...I need to clarify this to Seto fast!"
Sayori's vision dimmed as she felt lightning surge through her body while a fist speared onto her chest.
She got flung through the building behind her. Skiros shook his fist and warped toward her. "Of all the clans in the world, you tried to outrun a Motsubi? We of the lightning tribe were born to travel farther distances within minutes! You thought proximity mines would scare me?!"
Skiros struck the building down with maximum force, the ground still vibrant from the impact. Sayori could not control her sensory organs, let alone her nerves, with a distorted vision from the current within her spiritas system.
"Do you finally see the trouble you could have avoided? All this because you thought I was not good enough for you?! HUH?!?!"
She tried focusing on him.
"Can't talk? Did the cat catch your tongue, or are you still shocked? HAHAHA-"
Skiros evaded Noriko's attack while she sprung towards Sayori.
Seto held her back, seeing she still had lightning surging around her. Still trying to grasp the situation, he turned and saw Skiros standing with the spiritas all around his body.
" did this?"
"Seto, you work for me. Remember that anything you do against me will result in me taking action."
"Y-You hurt my mother! How the hell would you still think I'd work for you?!" Seto yelled and built up spiritas.
Skiros saw them both hawking him and noticed the difference. "Hehe, so you can see me now? And your bratty twin has a tongue? I knew it, and you guys were always just-"
Seto struck him with a winding string on his right arm. Skiros had no time to react. "Wind string? Y-You shouldn't have that prowess! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!"
Skiros took charge and tried to flee the scene. Noriko used the strings to try to halt Sayori's fidgeting.

The Last Heroes: Warriors Against The Sinful
ActionAn inevitable war broke out two thousand years ago in the Primal Region. Aliens, humans, and the 'special people' could not make amends. But peace was finally found the day one man stood between the three species. Later, the corrupted aliens and evi...