Chapter 24: Operation Saber

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A/N: Hello everyone, I apologize for the delay a bit, I wasn't really in the mood to write for a bit, but here it is. I hope you enjoy it! Please bear in mind that a couple of changes have been made to the preceding chapters, but all in all, nothing major has been changed. Additionally, please note that all information from the spaceships will be both from Eve Online and Eve Echoes. Credits are found at the bottom of the chapter. If you are the owner of the image and do not want your image here, please message me and I will remove it.


I wake up in the morning to the sounds of a commotion going on in my room

Marian: Anis, you should let Fern sleep. He had a rough day yesterday.

Anis: ... Fine...

You: Aghhh... It's too late for that anyway, I'm up.

Marian: Fern, I'm sorry for the disruption.

You: No worries, I was about to wake up anyway.

Anis: See, I told you so.

Marian: Anis... Anyway, Rapi and the others are waiting for you in the lobby.

You: I'll be there in 5 minutes.

Marian and Anis walks out of my room, leaving me in peace


3rd Header: What's going on here? First, you requested 2 more Task Forces into this so-called 'expedition' and then requested an entire division. Is it that difficult to capture one person?

10th Header: It's more difficult than that. He was part of Elypsion-19, so he knows the ins and outs of how we operate.

3rd Header: ...

10th Header: It's not that easy to capture him. We're facing staunch resistance from the enemy.

3rd Header: Fine... I shall permit you to send a division over.

10th Header: Thank you. I will take my leave.

3rd Header: ...

Back to Fern...

Once I enter the lobby, I'm greeted by Andersen and Burningum to which I salute to them

You: Chief Deputy.

Andersen: You don't need to be formal. Anyways, we're sending you on another mission.

You: Alright. But where are the Heretics?

Andersen: The Heretics left during the night. They came under attack from the Federation.

Privaty: Huh?! Under attack?

Rapi: Under attack?

Andersen: It's hard to tell whether the information is true. I'll send you the coordinates.

You: Got it.

Burningum: W-we think that t-the Federation is attempting to take out the R-Raptures before m-moving to us.

You: I see... We should move out immediately. If this is true, then the Raptures are in serious danger.

Privaty: Wait a second, how come the Central Government isn't sending out other squads for this mission? Why is it that we are just fighting the Federation?

Andersen: We've talked with the other Chief Deputies and we've agreed that for now we'll be holding the other squads until the internal issues in the Ark have been resolved. Matis and Absolute are currently held up due to problems while Cafe Sweety has to keep the Maid Cafe open due to the related problems.

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You: ... Very well. We will try to support the Raptures then.

Anis: Hold on a minute. How do we travel towards the Lift? Isn't it like a couple thousand kilometers away?

Guide: For convenience purposes let's say that the Raptures disclosed information about the Lift sometime during the story.

[I have made a transport ship in advance in case we are sent out on these types of missions. It should be sufficient for 24 people. The ship is located in the hanger.]

Anis: Wait, you made a hanger?!

[Affirmative, it is part of the reconstruction of the Outpost]

You: Good work, Gias. Alright, guys, we've wasted enough time staying here, let's move.

Privaty: The Federation has it easy, huh?

You: Of course, technology has advanced over the past centuries.

Andersen: Come back safe.

You: I will...

I walk out of the Command Center and head for the hangar. Once we reach there, a transport ship sits in the hanger

 Once we reach there, a transport ship sits in the hanger

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Anis: Woah, what's this?

Privaty: It's our transport ship.

Anis: I know that!

You: It's a transport ship. It'll transport us to the location.

Marian: This is very useful. Especially since Stormbringer is on our side, we can finally travel long distances.

Rapi: We should go now.

You: Yes, let's go.

We get on the ship, and I go into the cockpit

Anis: Fern, do you know how to fly this?

You: Of course I do. We're trained in everything.

Anis: Sheesh, you know everything.

You: Not everything, although I wish.

Anis: Well it seems like it.

You: Heh.

The ship begins to hover in the air before moving

Anis: Woah!

Rapi: Anis, be careful.

Everybody sits in a seat and we begin to fly toward our destination

The Lift...

At the Lift, the scene is a chaotic battle as the Raptures and the Federation clash. The skies are also filled with destruction as the Federation attacks the Raptures. On one side are the massive Raptures

 On one side are the massive Raptures

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