Through History (Japan)

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Title: Throughout History

Pairings: Japan x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, descriptions of death, implied murder, Japan is jelly

Summary: He's watched you all throughout history, a silent observer. Now, he's ready to make you his.

Your beautiful (hair color) hair laid spread like a halo around your bleeding head. Your soldiers bowed around you, crying. Thankful that you had saved them all from the rule of the evil king, distraught that you had died doing so. This moment would live on forever through history books and literature, but you'd never live to receive the glory.

From a short distance away, Japan stood with his soldiers, watching silently as his allies mourned the death of the brave woman who had led them valiantly into battle. This was not the first time he had met you.

You had once been the queen of this country, a vigilante in the dark, an assassin and, now, a war hero. In every life, you had been a heroine. Brave and selfless to a fault.

Japan's eyes narrowed as your husband kneeled by your side, sobbing over your broken body. In every life, there was a king to your queen- the same man reborn again by your side. Life had assigned you a partner and sidekick for eternity.

Sometimes Japan felt as though he'd been put on this earth just to suffer. To watch from the sidelines as you grew closer to another man and then died a tragic hero. No longer. No longer would he stand for this.

In another life, he thought to himself, I will make you mine.


You stood at the front of the classroom, reading out from a book in your hand. The pale brown cover depicted a (hair color)-haired woman in armor with her hair billowing in the wind behind her. Your young students sat with raptured interest as you told the exciting tale of a woman taking down the evil king.

"Her beautiful (hair color) hair laid spread like a halo around her bleeding head. Her soldiers bowed around her, crying. Thankful that she had saved them all from the rule of the evil king, distraught that she had died doing so. This moment would live on forever through history books and literature, but she'd never live to receive the glory." You read, eyes tearing up with emotion. You were never sure why some of these books made you so emotional. You weren't even sure if Astrid ever existed, so why were you moved to tears over her story?

The students applauded as you ended the book, a few of them whispering enthusiastically amongst themselves. You weren't sure whether they were excited about the book or about the approaching end of the school day. Sure enough, the bell's ring cut through the air and the students all cheered and started gathering their things.

"Have your reports on Astrid on my desk by Friday. Have a good night!" You called out to your pupils as they left your classroom.

From across the street, in the office building next door, Japan stared out the window, watching you sit down at your desk and pull out a red pen. You took your students' homework from a drawer and began to grade their papers. You looked happy, a little smile tugging at your lips as you marked a 100% at the top of the first page.

It fits you. Japan thought to himself, a small smile of his own spreading across his thin lips. You always seemed so happy and relaxed, so different from the wild war hero or the dignified queen. No longer did you have so much stress and responsibility weighing on your shoulders.

The door to your classroom opened and Japan stiffened in his seat, fists clenching a little as he saw who dared to disturb you.

Of course, a rebirth wouldn't be complete without your soulmate.

For now, he was simply a co-worker. You were too busy to even think of pursuing a relationship, no doubt. But that would change, Japan knew it would. It was fate, after all.

His heart twisted unpleasantly in his chest as he averted his eyes from the two of you, both having started an enthusiastic conversation. It wasn't fair! He was doomed to watch from the sidelines again and again and he was sick of it.

Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. What if there wasn't a soulmate for fate to pair you with? Would Japan be able to swoop in and save the day? Become your shoulder to cry on, then something more?

He didn't like the idea of murder, but it was high time he took control of your fates.

You'd never be the wiser.

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