2: The 74th Hunger Games

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2 weeks later

My feet feel heavy as I continue running through the sand. "I'm almost there. C'mon Marina don't stop running." The Cornucopia is now facing me, only a few more meters and I can reach the water I've been craving. The light goes out and suddenly my eyes fall on a red haired boy, his eyes are narrowed as his hands fall around my neck. His hands are pressing against my windpipes, the air leaving my lungs soon after. My eyes widen and I'm shaking trying to get out of his reach, one hand trying to push his hands off me and the other holding a black and red knife. Before I realise what I'm doing, the knife is stabbed deep in his throat. His eyes widen, blood seeps out of his lips, he let's me go and-

My eyes open and a heart wrenching screams leaves my lips. I'm sweating, my shirt is sticking to my upper body. My breathing is ragged and the beating of my heart is irregular. My eyes meet frantic blue eyes, hands on my shoulder as he's gently shaking my shoulders. "Everything's okay Mari, I'm here." "S-Sorry. I didn't wake Annie, did I?" His arms wrap around me. "Shh don't worry. Annie's still sleeping. D'you want to talk about it?" I shake my head no, brushing my tears away. "It's always the same one. I'll just go back to sleep, thanks Finn." 

Some hours later

"Finn? Do I really have to attend the reaping?" A sigh leaves his lips, soft eyes on me. "You know you have to Mari. You're a mentor now." His voice is soft, as if he's scared raising it will break me again. My eyes leave his face, settling on the ground again. I feel my feet tapping against the wood, my thigh shaking in the process. "I'm not ready. I cannot handle seeing people die because of me. Not again." Before Finnick can reply, Annie enters the room which doesn't shock us much considering she has been living  with us for a while now. 

"The Reaping is about to start, they're waiting on you both." We sigh and stand up, face ridden of every emotion as we step outside.

Camera flashes in our face when we arrive at the beach, where the Reaping is organised. A confident smile appears on my face, it's not real but that's what people see me as. I wave seductively at the camera, send a wink and then I'm walking up the stairs to the podium next to my brother. The idea was to make my persona as close to Finnick's persona as possible, the sponsors would automatically associate us together and appreciate me. It worked, but now I have to keep up the image. Even when I know kids are about to go through horrible trauma and possible death. 

The eyes of the children on me terrify me, I see myself standing there exactly one year ago. A cough is heard and my eyes turn to the blue haired woman standing in front of the microphone. She's over the top as always. Pink dress, covered from head to toe with pink roses. White gloves covered by green veins, and the same goes for her long extravagant heels.

District four's escort, Fey. She's been talking for a while I finally realise, but my mind seems to have shut off the moment her mouth opened. Each year it's the same damn speech, about how grateful we should be our district wasn't destroyed during the war and how kind it was to 'only' impose The Hunger Games. As if The Hunger Games weren't counted as a punishment.

Her voice is laced with joy as she reaches for the female glass bowl, and my heart shatters as I see the scared looks on their young faces. I pray as much as I can that it won't end up being a 12 year old, as if a 16 year old is much better. 

A name is called and a tall girl with brown hair steps forward. Her face is devoid of any emotion, and I think that's good. It'll show the other districts she isn't scared, even if she is. She stands in front of me and without thinking I give her a sympathetic nod, because there's not much more I can do.

 When the boy is chosen, my heart drops. A very young boy with curly brown hair walks up the stairs, tears staining his face as he sobs. His shoulders are shaking and I can feel my eyes well up with tears. I try blinking them away as I stare at them. How can I do this? How can I help them survive, I'm just a kid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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