the heist

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"So here's the plan: Just like that every year, the ceremony will be held at the Museum of Fine Arts"

The plan was set. They lay out the plans in the toon's bedroom.

They would infiltrate the fancy-pants event at the Museum of Fine Arts, During the festivities, they'd sneak back- stage using Webs's clever hacking skills. And the help of the tiny toons, Wolf finished explaining the plan for the gang.

"where the Golden Dolphin will be positioned just beyond the backstage curtain."

"Pssh," Piranha said, waving a fin. "Sounds easy!"

"Sounds easy, hermano," Wolf agreed. "But to get there, we need to bypass three levels of security. So.
Step One: We'll need to blend in."

"Uh huh and how it exactly are you just gonna steal it" by step asked then wolf takes up his face.

"Simple With your help you" he smiled sinisterly.

"And how exactly are you gonna get in without being detected" Babs says in a sarcastic tone.

"Easy, you're gonna help us sneak in" wolf answered.

"And how are you gonna do that" Babs asked when they exchanged looks at each other.

The Bad Guys all got to work finding their costumes for the night.

By the time the party rolled around, they were all set. The bad guys followed behind as soon as the tiny toons stepped out from the limousine.

Wolf had chosen a snazzy suit, along with a dapper fedora, silk tie, fake mustache, and tinted glasses. He had mastered the part of fancy movie star, using George Clooney as his muse and guide.

Shark, meanwhile, had gone the opposite direction, cramming his body into a gorgeous gown that was stretched to the limit by Shark's massive, muscular form.

Perched atop Shark's head, Tarantula had fashioned her long limbs into the shape of a butterfly fascinator hat.

Snake went old-school, complete with a classic suit, handlebar mustache, monocle, top hat, and a pair of fake arms to help fill out the look.

Piranha squeezed into a kid-size coat and tails, looking handsome and a bit childish-but it did the trick.

Every one of them wore a pair of sunglasses to complete the look and to help hide their true identities from anyone who decided to look a little more closely at the characters under the costumes.

When they arrived at the museum, the Bad
Guys had just begun to climb the steps the tiny toons looked nervously that's when a stretch limo pulled up at the bottom of the stairs.

Many of the guests turned to watch as Professor Marmalade, the eccentric and good-natured do-gooder who would be honored that night, popped out of the limo and began his own march up the stairs to the party.

Paparazzi flooded in around the little guinea pig, eager to snap shots of the evening's featured guest.

"So the race for the golden dolphin is between two candidates: Professor Marmalade and Thomas chesterfield" Wolf muttered, rolling his eyes. "This year's two recipients of the Golden Dolphin, professor marmalade is known as the most annoying good creatures on the planet..."

"Hey that's not nice bub at least he's loved by all, all you see is just an all time criminal" buster scolds wolf only to feed his ego.

"Why thank you" he chuckles only to annoy Buster, "Thomas Chesterfield is the most richest guy in Los Ángeles which means the guy's loaded"

tiny toons adventures in: bad guy mayhemWhere stories live. Discover now