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I laid on my bed, hearing the silence of my apartment was soothing.

Lately I have been having weird emotions... I just don't understand these feeling towards another person. I don't want to tell orochimaru about it. I figure it was best for myself to figure it out.

I suddenly get pulled out my thoughts hearing a knock at my front door. I immediately get up and open the door. My gaze meets with Boruto and Sarada. Although I only have my gaze fixated on one of them... Boruto....

"We've been summoned" Sarada stated simply with a small smile "I hope it's a B rank mission!" Boruto exclaimed happily and obviously excited

I let out a low small chuckle I loved seeing his sweet smile "don't get your hopes up so soon" I spoke softly almost a mumble. I was caught up staring deeply in his light aquamarine eyes I didn't notice my tone to much.

I closed the door behind me and we left to the hokage office.


Lord seventh explained that the mission would be a B rank. I look over to Boruto seeing his face light up with joy when he hears the words. I smile slightly his smile was so cute. I liked when he smiled it made his little whiskers appear more visible. I shifted my gaze back to lord seventh for the rest of the instructions, not wanting to stare for too long.

Lord seventh explains that the mission will take place in the land of wind. We decide to head off tonight to get there in the morning.


"Man I can't wait!" Boruto exclaimed "Boruto calmed down." Sarada sighed clearly annoyed "But, I have to admit this is our first  B ranked mission in months, so I'm feeling you" Sarada spoke her tone changing from annoyed to a bit cheerful

I listen to them talk as we walked to Thunder Burger. I only spoke when I was spoken to I never found my opinions important. I only cared about them and I was happy just being in their presence's especially Boruto seeing him smiling made me smile. His warmth radiated making everyone happy that's why I liked being with him he made me happy. I just needed him.


We hang out most of the day before we part to pack for our mission. We would meet at the train station at 8pm.

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