23: All Surprises are Unexpected

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Hello hello everyone! How're y'all doin?? Who's ready for another dose of that gay shit? And I mean SUPER gay shit...

Incoming! It's Clint Barton :>

Content warnings: idk- if you're uncomfortable with Kate and Yelena's age gap being further acknowledged then here's your warning ahead of time. Lesbians!!!😍

The apartment is nice and toasty when they get back thanks to Kate leaving the heat on, and the dogs immediately jump into a lump of blankets to nap in. Kate snorts at them. "Mood."

Yelena hums and starts pulling her snow clothes off right away, throwing them into a pile in the middle of the floor. "Kate Bishoppppp, I'm cold and wettttt," she pouts, holding her arms away from her body as she looks down at herself. Sure enough, her under-leggings and sweater are pretty much soaked, and before Kate can offer to find a hoodie for her, she just seems to think for a moment before completely pulling the sweater over her head.

Kate's words die real fast in her throat when she sees Yelena's abs (FOR THE SECOND TIME!!!) on full display.

Kate Bishop. Be better.

(She and I are the same.)

And now that she knew that Yelena was eight years her senior, her stomach seemed to burn hotter at the exposed skin and hip dips. Jesus fuck- she really did have a thing for an age gap, didn't she?

It wasn't something she'd ever really had the chance to explore before; Connor had been her age, and the first time she kissed a girl at the beginning of her junior year of college, the chick never even said how old she was- only that she was a sophomore.

Of course, Kate had always known she appreciated certain actresses more than others, and they usually always happened to be middle aged or somewhere around that. It wasn't her fault she had mommy issues.

Shit, was she staring?

"My eyes are up here, милый."

Yes. Yes she was. Fuck.

Kate's eyes dart back to Yelena's face as her cheeks burn, and she swallows. "Sorry," she says thickly.

The assassin cocks her head and prowls towards Kate with a feline smoothness as she drops her sweater on the ground, looking for all intents and purposes like she wants to corner the archer and devour her whole. She seems to have completely forgotten about the bruise on her head. "Do you like what you see, Kate Bishop?" she purrs slowly, a rasp in her throat as she continues to advance.

Butterflies erupt in Kate's stomach, and her knees almost collapse under her at the heat in Yelena's eyes when she tries to back away. Her hips hit the counter, and she begins to panic. "Uh- um."

"Well, маленький ястреб?" Yelena raises a hand, slowly, slowly, dragging the pad of her thumb along Kate's bottom lip and jaw before pinching her chin in her fingers and forcing the archer to look at her. "Do you?"

"Yes," Kate whispers, her heart thundering against her ribs. Yelena's hazel eyes are hooded and dark, and Kate can feel her lungs struggling to keep up as her lashes flutter. "Yes. I do."

The assassin shows no hesitation when she presses even closer, her free hand snaking behind Kate's hips to rest behind her on the counter and effectively pin the archer in. The delicious heat of her bare stomach is essentially a furnace, and Kate can feel the warmth soaking through her shirt, burning into her skin.

There is no Cooking With Flo to interrupt them.

"What are you going to do about it, Kate Bishop?" Yelena whispers roughly, her eyes darting between Kate's lips and her baby blues.

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