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The soft and calm wind hits my face, making me open my eyes as i try to collect my thoughts.

'Did i finally land somewhere?'
I sigh and feel something soft underneath me.
'Why is the ground so uneven-'

I hear a person groan. The voice was coming from underneath me.

i yell and roll to the side. I quickly stand up and look at the person, completely dumbfounded.

"Ugh...did you- did you just drop from the sky...?"
The person rubs his head and looks up at me as he sits up.

He seems familiar...white hair with a weird uneven haircut..but he pulls it off. He is in old torn clothing...this seems famil- WAIT A DAMN MINUTE.

I widen my eyes and gasp. I turn my head to look at the familiar river, the buildings...there is no way this is real...

"Uhh are you okay miss-?"
the boy, who i recognised as Nakajima atsushi from the anime Bungo Stray Dogs says.

I quickly turn my head to him and slightly bow as an apology
"I am so sorry for landing right on top of you!"

The boy stands up and looks even more confused "landing...? What were you even doing in the sky?"

I sweatdrop and laugh nervously.
'Well shit. What should i say now?! I was flying with the birds and my wings got cut off??? EVEN I DON'T KNOW HOW I ENDED UP HERE. JUST NOW I WAS-'


I look at the boy, since thats where the noise came from...ah yes he was starving in the starting of the anime. He looks away embarrassed as i just blink, thinking what should i do or say. I am awfully awkward with holding conversations.

"Are orphan too?"
He says as he observes me. I follow his eyes and look at my clothing...its the same one i wore in the previous dimension of mine. I feel slightly offended. How did he think i was an orphan because of an oversized shirt and a lower?

I had to make up something. I cant just say 'haha me dead me go this world you non existent haha.' Nope.

"Uh yeah i am an orphan"
i say hesitantly
'sorry mom and dad'
"Are you as well?"
I ask him as if i didn't already know.

He nods
"i was kicked out as soon as i turned eighteen. I've been starving since then....did you have something similar..?" he asks

"Ahaha yeah i ran away"
thank god i can come up with a lie.

I need to be careful. I can't join the ADA or the PM. I have no ability. Besides i will probably die on like the first day. There is no way i can survive like that here. I need to avoid meeting the members...but where else will i go..? I am from (your country/city) in the original world....i have no means of guidance either. But i can't possibly join either of the organisations. What am i supposed to do?!

I sigh and atsushi looks at me
"are you okay?"
I jolt my head towards him
"huh? Yeah i am..thanks for asking"
I look back at the river and notice two legs in the river.
'Here he comes...'
i rub my forehead.

Atsushi looks at the man intensely.
"Well....i can't possibly count him"
He mumbles.
The man gurgles in the water.
"Y-yeah i'll pass, please"
Atsushi eyebrow twitches as he says that.
he says and jumps into the water. And then it hits me. WAIT HE WAS GOING TO SAVE HIM- oh no no i need to not meet the members. Should i run???? I should run right? but i am hungry....NO Y/N FOCUS.

I decide to run while Atsushi was busy saving Dazai.
I curse myself as i run
'Why did i NOT exercise enough?!'
Words: 656

Hey hey~
How is it going so far haha. I hope its atleast average. I am open to criticism, but no hate please! Thankyou to whoever is reading this.
Have a good day~

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