Chapter Eight: Look who's Here!

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"There's no love without forgiveness, and there's no forgiveness without love."~Brian McGill


"Hey Ann do you mind helping me wash the dishes. I need to go to Juliet's house for her birthday party"
That was my little sister Stephanie. I won't call her little though because it's just a year gap. I'm sixteen while she's fifteen so there's nothing much.

She was always fond of making up excuses to avoid her house chores but she always gets caught. Always!

"So what makes you think I'll buy that silly excuse of yours?" I asked her.

"Don't call my excuse silly!"

"So you think you can just convince me to do your work without any demand added to it?" I asked her and she looked a bit angry but kept her voice in a pleading tone as she spoke next.

"This isn't a lie Ann. Juliets birthday is today and I need to leave now so as to come home before five o'clock."

"Oh! Now I understand. You want to sneak out of the house then come home by five before mom is back so she wouldn't suspect you left the house?" I asked, casting a suspicious look at her.

"Come on sis! Mom is aware of this. She was the one who told me to come back by five so I won't stay till sundown. You know anything can happen as at that time."

I was aware that mom permitted her to leave. In fact, she permits us to leave nowadays as long as we don't stay till nighttime. That was her rule.

Despite the fact that I knew these things I still couldn't just let her leave. I decided to throw more questions at her.

"So since you knew you had to do the dishes, why didn't you do it as early as possible so you'll get to leave on time?"

Ann, I was fast asleep that I didn't even know it was already evening."

I was also aware of that. She had been asleep since twelve noon.

"So what are you going to give or do for me in return of saving you?"

"Ann please I don't have much time left. I need to give Juliet some of her stuff I'm with and it's almost four o'clock. Let's discuss this when I come back home please."

"I don't have any problem with that. All I have to say is that you should be ready for my demands because they're kind of hefty."

"Ok. Bye"

"Bye" I replied as left the house with speed.

The day wasn't so so much eventful. I went Max's house, then we played games together and I felt tired and went back home.

That was around five o'clock clock or thereabout.

"Damn! I still need to do the dishes for Steph and she isn't back yet" I groaned as I reached home remembering my promise to Stephanie.

I washed the dishes and immediately went to bed because I was so tired.

The next morning I woke up with a lot of people staring at me.

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