𝟺𝟹| 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐖𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐞

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"Billy, what the hell are you doing?!" You stared wide-eyed at the gun trained on Sidney.

A heaviness weighed on your chest, your heart thumping erratically as Billy stood a measly six feet from his target, gripping his pistol tight. Although his berserk smile faded, he never once broke eye-contact with her.

"You knew that this wasn't over, that I was gonna return to finally finish what I started." Billy said, his dark brown eyes sparing you a quick glance then darting back to Sidney. "My movie needs concluding, Sid. That means you have to die."

"God, I am so sick of you psychos and your shitty motives! If you're gonna kill me just kill me, don't blame the fucking movies." Sidney spat, clutching Derek's necklace tight in her fist. She wouldn't be able to use it as an out this time.

"Woah," Billy gave a dry laugh, devoid of humor. "Now, you know that's not why I'm doing this—sure the movies gave me a little inspiration but come on, Sid, we all know your mother's really the one to blame."

Billy then panned his attention to Stu as he still had his gun pressed to the back of Hallie's head.

"You," he cocked a brow at the teary-eyed girl who was staring at Mickey's writhing form on the ground. "What could your motive possibly be?"

Hallie's lip quivered as her gaze flicked to Billy. She wasn't going to respond until Stu nudged her again. "Mickey... me and him were gonna—"

"No, actually, I'd rather guess." Billy cut her off, his mouth curling as he glimpsed the pain contorting Mickey's face. "He manipulated you into helping him out, and you thought you were gonna run off together, living the Bonnie and Clyde dream. But he actually just used you for his dirty work while he was out toying with my girl. Did I get that right?"

You stepped forward, eyes stinging as you hadn't blinked in almost a minute. "Stop this," you muttered.

"Nah, that was spot on, man." Stu grinned, though it fell slightly as he looked at you. "Except, she's not just yours."

"You're right!" Hallie snapped, her glare darting to you. "If only I'd gotten to butcher you like I did Randy. It's unfortunate he survived. Unlike him, I would've made sure your death was excruciatingly slow and—"

Tired of hearing her voice, Billy nodded at Stu, signaling for him to end it.

Hallie's eyes doubled in size at the realization. "Wait! Please! I don't—" Her desperate pleas were ceased with a loud gunshot.

An inaudible noise escaped you as blood scattered across her forehead before her body collapsed forward, hitting the floor with a thud. It's not that you felt bad for her — she helped kill innocent people — but the gruesome sight nearly had you falling over as well.

A sharp pain struck your ribcage as you sucked in a breath. Your gaze flicked to Sidney. The look of pure horror molded with shock stretched across her face, mirroring your exact expression. She could see you were clueless in this, that you'd no idea what Billy had been planning.

All you knew was that you wanted to leave this damned theatre with your best friend. Alive.

"Billy, please!" You pleaded as he swiftly moved toward the brunette, pressing his gun to her chest. "Don't do this."

Deja vu surged through you, an image of last year flickering behind your eyelids. Billy with his knife to Sidney's chest, only it was a weapon much deadlier. And, this time, you weren't feeling so lucky. Gale wasn't here to bail the two of you out of this fucked up mess.

"You should be thanking me. I gave you another year together, Y/n." Billy said to you while staring into Sidney's glossy eyes, resolute.

"Exactly! It's been a year!" You exclaimed, inching closer. "Why can't you just get over it? Go to therapy like a normal person. At least your mother's still alive! I mean, we—we could've—"

Tear You Apart || Billy Loomis & Stu Macher ✓Where stories live. Discover now