Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: Mischief in the Banquet

Sutra- genre of ancient and medieval Indian texts found in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. From my understanding, it's a religious text (guys if I'm wrong correct me)

NOTE: There will be an opera about you in this chapter, it's inspired by the "Divine Damsel of Devastation" from Genshin. But I struggled writing the narration aka the lyrics. I still hope you'll enjoy, the opera will probably be edited in the future soon. Since school is back, i made this chapter the longest one yet (Almost 5k words)

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While you waited on the empty throne room for your father, you couldn't help but remember the chat you had with Hua Cheng

"Just write me a letter, it ain't that hard"

With a small cough, he replied "Let's exchange array passwords instead"


"Ah, my bad, Jiejie doesn't know about how communication array works" He told you about it.

"So it's like a group chat or a discord server...i see, i see" you hummed "But why not a letter tho? I haven't set up my own array password yet"

Is it your eyes tricking you, or did Hua Cheng just turned paler even though he's already a ghost

"No need jiejie, just tell me when you'll set up the password. I prefer the communication array than writing...letters..." A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead

"Eh? Aight bro"

Then you remember the first time you entered ghost city with Shi Qingxuan, being swooped by ghost girlies

"Woah the aestethic is so peace-" Just when your eyes landed on the plaque written on the gambler's den, your eyes went wide and the continuation to your sentence was different than the beginning "-piece of shit! Is that my doctor's handwriting!?"

A second after you exclaimed out loud, a nearby ghost lady scolded you "Young lady! That was written by our Chengzhu, pay some respect!"

Then you pieced the puzzle together, the chengzhu is obviously Hua Cheng, so that means...

"Bro could be a doctor with that handwriting" you mumbled, giggling to yourself, if anyone saw you they'd think you were crazy.

"Communication array password? Hold on i should ask my best bros first..." Opening your phone, you scrolled on your messenger to find them "Neji and Josh, both online last 17 hours ago...ugh"

So you opened the group chat instead and texted: "Hey guys do yall know what a communication array is?"

Surprisingly, Josh was the first to reply with: " Yea, but i dont use it bc it'll be weird talking to myself, ppl gonna think I'm insane cuz we don't need airpods for that shit"

You replied with a voice message: "I thought you'll take ages to reply, it's magic right? Btw wheres Neji?"

His last reply was a voice message: "Yup, ttyl bro i have art commissions to do, can't backread the gc. Neji is at work rn, u know the usual."

With a sigh you closed your phone, at the same time you heard steady footsteps, as if the person was elegantly walking, and you know who.

"My child, who were you talking to?"

Jun Wu stopped infront of you, both of his hands behind him, his face solemn.

"My best bros, oh right, you know Neji and Josh, pops?" You expected him to not know, but he actually nodded "The God of Cosmos and God of Dexterity? Very much so, in your past life, they were still your friends, even now"

Heaven's Unholy ✧ Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF) x Genderfluid ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now