3. 𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘦, 𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘦

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Somewhere in the deep parts of the widespread green forest, sounds of crushing wood and plants echoed all over the place, a giant creature moved between the trees which were not that tall compared to its size. Yellow bright eyes peered in the dark as if it was searching for something. Its ears twitched as it looked around and sniffed the air. It continued to walk in one direction, at the ends of the big woods, not at all careful with the things on its way. A male voice came out from the mysterious living being, "I know you are here somewhere." he saw an open area full of sunlight, the blue sky and white clouds could be finally seen above. He went to it, tail swishing behind.

The second he stepped to the light, his appearance could be seen more clearly. Its robot mode resembled a greyish-blue werewolf with bright yellow optics, he had long razor-sharp claws as servos and pointed ears, tires attached to his back and legs, along with a big metal tail.

::Uh- hey, Steeljaw? What were we looking out for again?:: one of his pack members, Underbite, asked through the comm-link.

Steeljaw grunted and pinched his nasal ridge out of annoyance, he knew chompazoids had small processors but he had to bear with him for now, "Just search for anything unusual. If we get to it first it might be a great use for us against those pesky Autobots. We cannot let them discover it before we do. If any of you finds something, report it to me immediately. Got it?" his associates let out different confirmations and the wolfcon continued searching. There was this odd smell his enstril could sense, he couldn't figure out what exactly it was but he would claim it. He had to, it could be quite useful. As he walked the odour increased with each step, he was close. Really close. He pushed, sliced and stomped everything ahead of him to get to his mysterious goal.

He passed through several thick bushes and trees, and finally—

"Aha!" his evil grin vanished when he saw what was in front of him. He stood frozen on the spot, staring at the flat rock wall and a giant oak tree on top of it, "WHAT?!" his outraged shout made a few nearby birds fly away.

This was a dead end! His enstril never lied before! The Decepticon's helm aimed at every side to see nothing else but trees. Steeljaw growled in irritation, completely angered and disappointed by his failure. The source of the strange scent was still very close to his current location. It was confusing and frustrating, he hated it. 

When he was about to leave, his ear twitched as he heard squeaking sounds coming from a tiny creature the humans called a chipmunk, jumping around the crown of the oak tree. The little animal was about to put its found nut on top of his food collection until it fell off the branch. Bouncing to the ground, it soon rolled away and magically went through the rock wall. The chipmunk quickly hopped down and ran to it, disappearing from Steeljaw's sight. The wolfcon stared in disbelief at what he just witnessed.

To make sure his optics weren't playing tricks on him, or to prove to himself he wasn't totally losing his mind, he came closer to the wall and placed his giant clawed servo on it. As he thought he would feel the cold rock surface, a shiny light appeared instead as his hand went through it. Steeljaw's yellow optics widened in shock and backed away. He looked at his sharp servo, inspecting his digits which remained normal, "What is this...?" 

It made no sense. The wolfcon decided to try once more but this time, he walked right into it. He didn't even realize he closed his optics as he went to the other side. He stopped and opened them, only to find himself in a forest again, but somehow, it seemed different. Steeljaw glanced at the wall, it remained unchanged. He observed his surroundings, utterly confused.

Did he just go through some invisible entrance? The Cybertronian halted once he heard human voices, he hid behind a few trees and bushes. A small bouncing ball rolled near his location, "Honey, don't get too far away, please!" an old woman warned from the distance.

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