☀️S3A.Frayed P1☀️

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I'm currently healing Derek up after we all fought the alpha pack. Grace and Evie were lying by my side holding my hands." This is war, I will kill to protect my family, my pack," I said softly stroking Grace's and Evie's hair.

I was alone with just the girls, everyone else either went to the meeting or went to see what happened to the remaining alpha pack members as only Deucalion, Kali, and the twins walked away.

Enis fell along with Derek but I managed to save him before he hit the floor. He got badly hurt as did everyone else but they recovered from their injuries. They are all angry and vengeful," I hope they will be okay and won't cause any problems," I muttered tiredly.


We were all now planning an attack on  the Alpha pack when Scott entered the room."I know where they are," Scott says."Same building as the Argents, We know." Derek says.

"Cora and I followed the twins," Boyd informs him."Then they want you to know," Scott says."Or, more likely, they don't care." Peter shrugs."What is this?" Scott asked looking at the plans on the table

"Isn't it obvious?" Peter says."The schemers are scheming. Coming up with a coup de main-- better known as a pre-emptive strike."Peter comments."You're going after them?" Scott says."Tomorrow. And you're gonna help us," Derek nods.

"They're one floor above them, in the penthouse right about Allison," Derek tells us."So, kill them first? That's the plan?" Scott says." No, but it may end up with us killing them," I grinned."They won't even see it coming!" Boyd said.

"Well, Deucalion won't." I joked. Peter sniggered at this."Why is the default plan always murder? Just once, can someone try to come up with something that doesn't involve killing everyone?" Scott rants.

"You never get tired of being so blandly moral, do you?" Peter scoffs."Not that I disagree with him." Peter notes."I do, Why do we need this kid?" Cora says."This kid helped us save your lives," Derek tells Cora."And you know we can't just sit back and wait for them to make the first move," Derek says looking at Scott. 

"You can't beat a pack of Alphas," Scott tells them."That's why we're going after Deucalion  just him," Cora says."Cut off the head of the snake, and the body dies," Boyd speaks up. "Only this isn't a snake, it's a Hydra." Peter announced."And, as Scott says, they're all Alphas." Peter says in agreement.

"Deucalion's still the leader," Derek tells him."Let's hope so because you know what happened when Hercules cut off one of the heads of the Hydra?" Peter says.

"Two more grew back in its place," Erin says."Somebody's been doing their summer reading," Peter smirks impressed."Nah Try Captain America and the Winter Soldier movie." I smiled a little.

"It contains Hydra in it so we know everything about Hydra and the quotes from it," Isaac said with a smile. Peter shakes his head and Derek chuckles." Plus Erin and Aliyah know everything about Hydra," I say with a smile.

💥Flashback ends💥

I looked at Derek who was sleeping and then the door to the loft opened up. I saw Cora and Peter entering the room." How is he?" Peter asked." He's okay sleeping but healing well," I tell them with a soft smile." Can you take Evie and Grace to bed? For me?" I asked them softly not looking away from Derek.

"Of course Roma," Peter says with a smile and he carefully lifts Evie minding her wings and Cora lifts Grace." Night girls," I said softly kissing their heads.

💥Flashback starts up again💥

I made my way to the abandoned mall with the pack. We heard Scott and Deucalion talking. We all exit out of the shadows before their conversion continues.

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