A Lie Guarded

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Jaha is lying on a raft, and slowly starts to wake and Jasper see it.

Jasper:Ha!He's awake!

Jaha looks at the camp and hear Jasper yelling out.

Jasper:Hey Jaha!

Jaha looks at Jasper.

Jasper:it looks like you got floated!

Clarke walks out with another man holding something.

Clarke:So Jaha says we need police here and here.

Hooting and applause.

Jaha:Heh. Keeping yourself busy, Mr. Jordan.

Jasper laughed.

Jasper:Oh, I'm living it up, every last day.

Jaha walked off the mattress and stood in front of Jasper.

Jaha:Do I want to know how you managed to do this without waking me up?

Jasper:Oh, probably not, but the effects are harmless I promise,kind of.

Talia walks out of the building.

Talia:All right. We've had our fun. Let's get back to work.

Monty approaches Clarke and Talia.

Monty:What's with the "we're all gonna die" face? I mean...

Talia:I know what you mean...

Talia shakes her head and can't help but worry about her fiancé.

Talia:Bellamy should be back by now.

Monty:Hunting parties go radio-silent. It's nothing new What else?

Clarke:I just feel useless I'm stuck here in case anyone needs a cut bandaged, supervising the backup plan when I should be going to the island to make Nightblood.

Monty:Clarke, you're not a geneticist.

Clarke:Neither is our mom.

Monty:Yeah. Well, they have Raven. Genetic code, computer code. They'll figure it out.

Clarke:Monty, I'm serious.

Monty:So am I.

Monty looks at the girls.

Monty:If Jaha's right and Becca created Nightblood there, they'll find her records, and all they have to do is reverse-engineer it from Luna. Everyone lives.

Talia:If they can get it done before the radiation gets here.

Monty:I guess we better finish the ship.

Monty looks at Riley.

Monty:Riley, how's it coming?

Riley:We're on schedule here. We should have the radiation patch up before dark.

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Monty:See? One less thing to worry about.

Thunder is heard overhead and rain begins falling.

Harper:Black rain.

Clarke:All right.

Clarke yelled out to the group.

Clarke:Everyone inside, just like we practiced. Go.

Man:Black rain! Sound the alarm! This is not a drill!

The alarm is sounded.

Man:Move, move, move!

The Arkadians run into the ship.

Monty:Jasper! Come on!

Clarke, Monty, Talia look at Jasper scared.

Clarke:Jasper,what are you doing?

Jasper turns back and smirked at them.

Jasper:Can't live your life in fear.


The rain begins falling and Jasper sticks out his tongue to catch it.

Harper:Monty, you can't.


Talia grabbed him before he moved.

Monty:Let me go.

Talia was trying to hold him back.


Jasper fake gags, Harper looks at Talia.

Harper:Talia, what do we do?

Talia lets out a shaky breath.

Jasper: The sky is...

Talia holds her breath.

Jasper:falling. The sky is falling. Whoo!

They all noticed how nothing was wrong with Jasper.

Talia looks at him angry.

Talia:What is wrong with you?

Jasper:It's just rain, not radioactive ash.

Monty:Dude, not cool.

Jasper:Come on. It's a joke. Don't be like that, guys.

Talia looks at him scared.

Jasper:When did everyone around here lose their sense of humor?

Talia walks up to him and pushes him.

Talia:don't do that!

Jasper gave her a look.

Talia:just because you lost maya doesn't mean you can just act out, and wanna die because she's not here.

Monty and Harper looked at Talia knowing that just maybe Talia can get through Jasper.

Talia:you have people that care about you, but you don't really care do you?

Talia looks at Jasper with tears in her eyes.

Talia:I'm done Jasper.

Jasper looks at her confused and scared of what her answer would be.


Talia lets tears roll down her cheek.

Talia:I can't protect you anymore.

Jasper looks at Talia with tears in her eyes.

Talia:I'm tired, Jasper.

Talia walked away with Jasper looking after her with tears in his eyes.

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