January 7, 2023
By Ptr. Ike1. We must have discipline and self-control.
1 Cor. 9:27
Gal. 5:21-22 (fruits of Holy Spirit)2. We must have direction
Phil. 3:13-14
Forget the past and leave the pains.
Look forward.3. We need to be dressed for the race.
Heb. 12:1
How to Win the Prize
January 7, 2023
By Ptr. Ike1. We must have discipline and self-control.
1 Cor. 9:27
Gal. 5:21-22 (fruits of Holy Spirit)2. We must have direction
Phil. 3:13-14
Forget the past and leave the pains.
Look forward.3. We need to be dressed for the race.
Heb. 12:1