Day 6: Don't Knock Until You Try it

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Hello and welcome to the thirty-first chapter!

(This song is TRANSCENDENT)

Deku's POV unless told otherwise. If a POV is switched mid-chapter and it is not indicated whose POV it is, it's Deku's.



Just like yesterday, I'm awake before anybody comes to escort me, so I lay in bed thinking.

I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something...

That Aoyama guy is supervising me today. I'm glad Tsuyu gave me that odd warning so I can brace myself for whatever nonsense I'll have to deal with. What's his Quirk again? Oh yeah, naval laser. What kind of Quirk name is that? That just makes it feel uncomfortable.

As my thoughts continue my gaze wanders to the window and the world outside. It's early fall, so the leaves aren't quite falling yet, but they are becoming nice shades of orange, red, and yellow. I can tell from the slight breeze coming in through the small opening of the window that today's weather won't be too...


The League's code.

The device.


I bolt out of bed and to the trim on the wall below the window, quickly snatching up the device.

It's almost been a week Izuku! How could you just forget!? It's a miracle none of the seven or eight people that have been in this room have noticed it!

With a start, I realize that I know this room is cammed. I probably look suspicious right now. Thinking on my feet, I slip the device into my pocket while also slipping out a pack of cigarettes long forgotten that will finally have a use. I make sure it appears like I was trying to hide the cigarettes and my plans to smoke, instead of receiving a device from the league. I look down at the pack of cigarettes.

I started smoking when Amalie and Shoto (At least before I knew Shoto survived) died. I managed to stay away from alcohol, knowing that that's not what my mom would've wanted especially considering my absentee father's history. But smoking? It calmed my nerves and separated me from the pain that was sometimes so all-encompassing that I felt like I could lie down and never get up again. But gradually as the wound healed, my need to smoke diminished. I still do it from time to time, and I can acknowledge that the reason for that is that I'm probably addicted, but I consider myself lucky that once every few weeks or so is all I feel the need for.

As I reflect on this, I twirl a cigarette absentmindedly in my hand. Suddenly, the click and whir of the high-tech security lock fills the room.

The sun is barely up... This won't be Aoyama.

The door opens to reveal Aizawa, staring me down with a merciless glare.

Me: Uh... Can I help you?

His gaze travels to my hand, and I quickly realize that this must be about the cigarettes, specifically the one in my hand.

Me: Oh...

Thank God. I'll take this lecture over handing over the League's device any day.

I laugh nervously as if I hadn't thought about the repercussions of my actions. Although it's not that hard to fabricate considering that the look Aizawa is giving me is causing a significant amount of instinctual fear. I slowly pocket the cigarette.

Me: What's up? I'm just... Uh...

With physics that don't make sense, his capture scarf shoots out and wraps around my wrist halfway in its journey to my pocket, my hand still holding the cigarette as he pulls me towards him.

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