🌻Chapter seven🌻

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Muzan had woken up from his sleep halfway to his house. He yawned and noticed immediately that Yoriichi was carrying him but he was fine with that, he already exhausted out his legs so he was partially grateful for Yoriichi carrying him. His body was freezing cold from the lake water but luckily the walk wasn't that far so he could go home and change. He looked up at the face of the man carrying him and he felt his eyes light up, Yoriichi really was a handsome looking man, he meant that platonically but it felt a bit more... real.

Muzan thought them walking in silence was a little boring so he wanted to make conversation. "Yoriichi?"

Yoriichi hadn't even noticed that Muzan awake so he got a bit startled by hearing a sudden noise. "Yeah?"

"You told me about your lover, but what about your other family?"

"Family... well, I don't know what happened to my father since I ran away, but I did have a twin brother."

"Run away? Why'd you run away?"

"Just... my mother died, and I felt like my brother hated me for being stronger than him... it's a long story."

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that."

"Thank you, I did meet my wife when I ran away though."

Muzan felt sad for Yoriichi, ran away from his home after losing his mother and lost his wife. How could his life get any worse? He wanted to say more to Yoriichi but he didn't know what to say, he didn't have any people's skills, the only people he talked to before Yoriichi came by was his staff. Even then it wasn't really talking, and he definitely knew nothing about comforting people, only experience he had with comforting was in the books he would read. Muzan was starting to have envy for Yoriichi, he was so strong, and he could do all these things by himself. But Yoriichi still seemed sad even with all the freedom he had in his life. Maybe Muzan was missing something, whatever it was, he was sure Yoriichi was still living the life.

Yoriichi put Muzan down when they were in front of the man's house. "Well, that was a fun night if I say so myself."

"Fun?" It didn't sound like Muzan wasn't saying it in a rude way but more confused.

"Yeah... I mean I thought it was fun." Yoriichi rubbed his arms awkwardly, did Muzan not like their time together at all?

"No... um... it was fun, just I never thought of it like that before."


"I did have fun..." Muzan looked up at Yoriichi and smiled. "Thank you..."

Yoriichi was wet and cold from the water, but his cheeks still flashed a bright red when he saw Muzan's bright smile. He made him smile like that. Yoriichi took a deep breath, his heart was beating fast... he wasn't starting to have feelings for Muzan was he? Of course this Muzan never did anything wrong but what will he become in the future? Yoriichi doesn't know how Muzan became a demon, no one does. Yoriichi reached his hand out and took hold of Muzan's more paler one.


Muzan looked at the taller man confused. "Yoriichi..."

Yoriichi didn't know what he was doing, he felt like he couldn't control his body. He placed a hand on Muzan's cheek and leaned his head in to connect their lips together. Muzan's eyes widened, this was really happening? Muzan shut his eyes closed and leaned in closer to Yoriichi, for a moment, it felt like Muzan wasn't in constant pain from his illness. It was calming, it was normal. He wasn't in pain... he wasn't... in pain.

Yoriichi pulled back eventually, as much as they wanted to, they couldn't kiss forever. Yoriichi blinked, realizing now what he has done. He looked at Muzan and opened his mouth to speak, but nothing could come out, he was silent. They both stood there with their hands connected to each others.

"I... never thought my first kiss would go like that..." Muzan smiled softly then laughed, "It was nice..."

"It was... yeah..." Yoriichi smiled back at Muzan, he felt like Muzan had finally came out of his shell, the man was showing emotions he would have never showed before. "Muzan... I-"

Yoriichi stopped his sentence when he heard the gates open, they both let go of each others hands and Yoriichi saw a man come out... this was the man he saw Muzan with when Yoriichi first saw Muzan. The man turned to Muzan and took a sigh of relief like he had been searching everywhere for Muzan.

"Ah, young master." He grabbed Muzan's arm. "I've been looking everywhere for you, and you're so... wet? Well, I might've perfected my medicine."

Muzan's breath hitched and a glimmer of hope flashed through his eyes. "Medicine? To cure me?"

"Yes! I want to try it out as soon as possible, you should wash yourself up and then I can get the medicine ready."

Yoriichi watched the interaction happen. He wanted to be happy that Muzan was going to get something that could cure him, but he didn't trust it. He had a gut feeling inside of him, a feeling he couldn't shake off. Muzan looked happy and he bowed to the man, the man bowed back then made his way back into the manor. Muzan turned to Yoriichi happily.

"Did you hear that? I usually doubt the medicines would work but I feel this is meant to happen!" Muzan hugged Yoriichi. "I feel like this is good luck, like I'll really be cured this time!"

Yoriichi put an arm around Muzan's back and forced a smile on his face. "Muzan... that's great."

"I'm gonna go wash myself!" Muzan looked Yoriichi up and down. "And you should to, we're both dirty."

"Yeah... but Muz-"

Muzan had already started walking away, faster than Yoriichi had ever seen him walk before. Muzan took a deep breath out of loss of stamina or nervousness, Yoriichi couldn't tell. Muzan looked back at Yoriichi and smiled. "I'll see you soon, Yoriichi!"

Yoriichi watched Muzan go into his house. He didn't like this feeling, he was worried about Muzan. But Yoriichi couldn't just tell Muzan not to do this, that was crazy talk... He blinked and started walking into Muzan's house. He'll just shower and try to find Muzan later... he really didn't have anything to be worried about, Muzan was finally going to be cured.


Ending One: Muzan doesn't take the medicine.

Ending Two: Muzan takes the medicine.

Ending Three: ???

(Guys it's not a vote I'm writing all of them I just put it here to let you guys know 😭)

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