Stay True

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In a world that tempts with falsehoods,
Where illusions dance and deceive,
I choose to walk the path of truth,
To let authenticity take the lead.

For in the depths of my being,
A flame burns bright and pure,
A voice whispers softly within me,
Urging me to remain secure.

Stay true to the essence within,
That core of unyielding grace,
For it is the compass that guides,
Through life's chaotic, frantic chase.

Stay true to the dreams that soar,
Like birds on the wind's gentle breath,
Let no doubt or fear deter,
As you wander the roads of life's breadth.

Stay true to the whispers of wisdom,
That echo within your soul's deep well,
They speak of love, kindness, and joy,
Of the stories only you can tell.

Stay true to the rhythm of your heart,
In sync with the universe's song,
For it beats with the pulse of creation,
A symphony where you belong.

Stay true to the scars and imperfections,
That bear witness to battles fought,
They weave a tapestry of resilience,
A testament to lessons taught.

Stay true to the connections you forge,
With souls who touch your own,
For in their embrace, you'll find solace,
In their love, you'll never be alone.

Stay true to the colours of your spirit,
Unleash them upon the world's canvas,
Paint a masterpiece of authenticity,
Let your uniqueness brightly enhance us.

Stay true to the whispers of your dreams,
Let them guide you to your destined place,
For in the pursuit of your authentic self,
You'll find freedom, love, and grace.

So, in this world of shifting tides,
Where falsehoods often take their reign,
Stay true to who you are, my friend,
And let your light forever remain.

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