[ Chapter 5 - I Couldn't Sleep ]

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That night, while everyone slept I was the only one awake. Mesmerized by the flame that danced off the candle's tip, I tossed and turned in my blankets. Should I go? Should I stay and hope for my mother to get better? Doing was better than hoping I decided and my thoughts traced back to my father's words.

"Everyone has to face their fears at some point—and it's time you faced yours."

I sat up abruptly and looked over my sleeping brothers in the candlelight. I threw off the blankets and dressed myself warmly. Slipping on my mother's ring I climbed down the ladder, with only light from the dying embers to guide me around the cabin. It was time to pack for my journey ahead. My father slept soundly in his chair by the fire with Bayaard.

Bayaard's ears perked up at the sound of me sneaking around and plodded over to guilt me. His whimpers and whines only distracted me further in my need to leave home.

He pawed at my bare feet. "Down boy!" I snapped.

From what I gathered, I had enough food and water to last me a week, meat pies, bread, and a few apples. A sack of coin, if needed. I scratched my head.

"What am I missing?" Bayaard pawed at me again. "Not now boy!" I shooed him away. Only when the smell of garlic reached me that I turned to face him. In his mouth was a full head of it.

"Oh. Thank you."

I shoved all I had gathered into a satchel and crept towards the door. A wave of guilt washed over me and I realized I'd be leaving my family—and Bayaard. The hound padded closer. I drew my riding cloak over my head and my hand brushed against his soft coat.

I knelt down with tears in my eyes, "I'm sorry Bayaard, but I have to go." He whimpered again and I left, closing the door behind me. I let the moon bathe me in its glow as I crept to the barn where my ticket to saving my mother and step-sister was located.



Using all the strength I had, I shoved the barn door aside. The barn owls nesting above rustled their feathers and hooted, alerting me of their presence. I hooted back and laughed quietly to myself. I brushed up against Sterling's stall and saw his face poke out from the stall window. I nuzzled him as greeting and the door creaked open. Considering Sterling was four times as big as me it was quite difficult getting him saddled correctly, but in the end he was ready.

I was ready—to steal my father's prized workhorse and run away from home. All for a story that I could only hope held some truth.

Taking one last glance around the barn I eyed my father's hunting bow mounted on the wall. I took it and some arrows, just as I helped myself to an oil lantern resting on a workbench nearby.

I looked up at Sterling and he looked back down at me, "Are you ready?" I asked him. He neighed and stomped his hoof as if to say yes. A whimper brought my attention to the barn door, wide open with Bayaard standing in the moonlight.

"Fine." I sighed, "You can come with." Bayaard let out happy yips and circled me wagging his tail. I patted him on the head and gave his ears a little pinch.

With the satchel hanging over my shoulder I lit the oil lantern and climbed up Sterling, setting myself right in the saddle. Reins in hand I gave Bayaard one last glance before clicking them. Sterling started out and cautiously poked his head around the corner of the barn door. I lifted my gaze towards the line of trees; how menacing they looked. Like silent shadows in the mist. It was now or never.

I clicked the reins and Sterling broke into a trot. We headed straight for the trees. His hooves clipping the grass and Bayaard closely nipping at his heels. Breaking through the line of trees was like breaking through a barrier that up until now I had stayed on the other side of. I had crossed the threshold. Into the unknown.

There was no turning back now.

There was no turning back now

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