Chapter 2 (Ling)

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Ling's POV
Running. Searching. Loving. Destroying. The hurt for decades.

Why does this have to happen to me? My brother was possessed, Parents were killed, friends left behind.

"Am I really this desperate for a life?"
'Life's pointless... You can't bore your mark on the world. You have no reason to live.'
"Stop it."
'Why should I?'

"Ma'am? Are you gonna buy a plane ticket or not?" I was shot back down to earth. She was very distracting with her sky blue hair with neon pink streaks.

"Sure. I'd like a one way ticket to hell."

The lady looked at me like I was insane. Then burst out laughing.
"Hah hah hh-you-ha-serio-hahhaaaaa-s?!"

"I am. I have official business to do there. If you don't believe me then you can come along."

"Your lucky day, it's free. somebody didn't want their ticket anymore."

"Bye." I was honestly really happy to leave her desk. She kept eyeing me down like she wanted to hurt me or like she was jealous.

'Where is she....'
"YO ROSE?!!!!"

"You don't have to yell."
*Attention all travelers going to hell, your flight departs shortly*
"I gotta go, sorry Rose."


-Time skip-

'So this is hell...'
"My leige, how was thine flight?"
"Could of been better"

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