Is mommy okay?

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Hey,so in this Chapter you and Chapa are 25years old and you have a daughter named Daisy she's 7

So you were crying,laying on the bed on your side with an open door

Chapa's pov

I was in the kitchen when Daisy came downstairs with a worried look

Chapa:What's wrong honey?

Daisy:something's wrong with mommy

I picked her up and we went downstairs to see what YN is doing and we stopped at the door she didn't noticed us


Chapa:it's okay mommy just crying

Daisy:but why?

Chapa:I don't know we have to as it

Daisy:can I as it?

Chapa:yeah*put her down and sat down next to you and rubbed your back*

Daisy:What's wrong mommy?Why are you crying?

YN:it's nothing honey,don't worry about me*smile*

Chapa*came closer to you and whispers*

Chapa:you okay?what happened?*kiss your cheek*

YN:mhm,I'm just a little upset

Chapa:did I do something?


Daisy:then did I do something?

YN:Ofc not honey

Daisy:then what happened?

*you got sat up and put your whole side on Chapa's side,your head on her shoulder,she wrapped her arms around you and kissed your head*

YN:your grandpa and I had an argument and he said something that really hurted me,and now he won't talk to me

Daisy*came and hug you*

Chapa:sweetie can you go downstairs a little?I wanna talk with your mommy

Daisy:mhm*left the room*

Chapa:So what exactly happened?

YN:*sighs*I called dad you know just to talk then we ended up in an argument and he said that ,,I can't believe you're my daughter you're just a lesbian freak who don't even know how to raise a child.I never wanna see you again"and than he hang up

Chapa:come here *hugs you* you know that I love you,no matter what he says or thinks we have each other and you're a great mother

YN:thank you*whispers*



Daisy:is mommy okay now?

*chapa looks at you*

Chapa:she's better but she needs time

Daisy:what can we do to make her feel more better?

Chapa:she needs love

Daisy:oh okay

*she came up to you and cuddled into yn just as tight as Chapa*

YN:I love you guys

Chapa:we love you too

*after hours of cuddling ans talking*

Daisy:I have a question

Chapa:and what?

Daisy:does you and mommy always was there for each other?

YN:yes yes we always were

Daisy:so you saw mama crying before?

YN:yes,but she don't cry much


YN:because she's stronger than anyone in this world

*chapa smiles*

Daisy:and what if something bad happens with me?I don't have a lover?

Chapa:but you have us

YN:yeah,we didn't know each other for our whole life,if something came up than we went to our parents,friends something like that

Daisy:are you okay now mommy?

YN:yes I think I am

Chapa:we just have to make sure that no one ever hurts mommy more

Daisy:I'm gonna kill them


YN:No no that's a bad idea

Chapa:that's a good idea

Daisy:destroy everyone

YN:omg okay okay*laughs*

Chapa:now let's go someone have to go took a shower

*Daisy and Chapa went down she took a shower and put Daisy to bed*

Chapa:she's sleeping


Chapa:Are you feeling better now?

YN:A little bit

Chapa came up tp YN,wrapped her arms round her and kissed her

Chapa:Don't let him ruin your day ever again okay?

YN:Okay*she said as she hugged her wife*

YN:Can you come with me to the bathroom?

Chapa:Yeah is everything okay?

YN:yeah I just wanna take a shower but I don't wanna go there alone

Chapa:okay come on*pulls you into a hug*

Chapa:just know that everything will be alright cause I'm by your side

YN:I know I'm the luckiest girl ever,you are my beautiful happiness

Chapa:*kiss*I love you

YN:I love you more

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