58-Let's talk about sex

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Hhmmm. Yeah the title is just a title and it's not smut I promise. I like this chapter hope you do to!

The 'moving in' party went really well after our argument. There was a bit of tension at first but we all adjusted soon enough and I really enjoyed spending time with my friends again. Now it's just Karen and Arthur still here, who persisted on staying over. So, we told Matt and Arthur to go get pizza.

"Bye girls." Matt says, following Arthur out the door and then closing it.
"So..." Karen says as soon as they're gone.
"So?" I raise my eyebrows at her.
"When are you and Matt gonna have a baby?" She springs the question out of nowhere.
"What!" I say with a half smile on my face.
"Have you not thought about it!" She says shocked.
"No! Well yes I have a bit but not all the time!" I stare at her amusedly.
"I think about it all the time." She says with a grin.
"What? About having kids with Darvill?"
"Then Matt and I having kids?"
"Karen... That's weird."
"No...! It's not!" She protests.
"Yes, it is! Thinking about other people having a baby all the time! That's an invasion of privacy."
"There's no privacy between us," she says sarcastically.
"Yes there is."
"If there wasn't any privacy we'd all be walking around naked." I state plainly.
"I'm open to that." She says jokingly.
"Oh shut up!" I laugh at her.
We watch the TV which is on the music channel for a bit before she turns to me again.
"Are you gonna get married?" She asks.
"Well no because we're not engaged." I tell her.
"Yeah I know that but like do you think you will?"
"I don't know!" I say exasperatedly,"Ask Matt."
"Do you want to get married?"
"What is this? Annoy Jenna hour?" I pout at her.
"Ahhhh. You're not annoyed!" She grins.
"Yesssssss! I am!"
"I'm not even being annoying yet! I'm just asking questions!" She says innocently.
"Yeah, yeah..." I dismiss her.
We watch the TV for a bit longer.
"Have you guys had sex?" She smirks at me.
"What! I'm not answering that!" I push her away.
"So you haven't?" She raise her eyebrows.
"No I didn't say that!" I protest.
"So you have?" She smiles.
"No! Fuck off!" I push her away again.
"Have you or have you not had sex with Matt Smith?" She grins, obviously enjoying this.
I stick my middle finger up at her.
"Have you had sex with him!" She stares at me intensely.
"Fuck you!" I say to her while laughing.
"No don't fuck me! You know who you should be fucking," she smirks at me and wiggles her eyebrows.

And of all the moments, Matt walks through the door then. I stare at Karen and collapse into giggles.
"Who should you be fucking eh Jen?" He says smirking at us.
"No one." I say at the same time that Karen says.
I hit her arm playfully.
"Shut up!" I whisper, still laughing.
"Matt...?" Karen says really loudly.
"Yeah?" He replies.
"Have you guys had sex?" She shouts. Which causes me to hit her again, not quite so gently.
"Yeah, tons." Matt winks at me. And I laugh even more.
"Okay Karen enough with the intimidating questions," I look at her still laughing.
"Sorry, before we drop the subject can we just imagine Kazza in sex ed?" Matt says laughing.
"Oh. My. God." I laugh.
"I think I scared the teacher..." She mutters, smiling.
We burst into another round of laughter.
"How could you scare him? What did you say?" Matt asks, not really wanting the answer.
"I was just really enthusiastic and I shouted out to the class what sex actually was and he just stared at me nervously." She says laughing.
This causes us to start laughing again. I've been laughing so much that my abs really hurt now... Ow. I rub my stomach, still laughing.
"Karen, I think you should quit acting and become a sex-ed teacher." Arthur suggests.
"Guys, this is a secret... But I actually am a part time sex-ed teacher." She jokes.
"Makes sense...." I mutter, tapping my nose to prove I'll keep it a secret. We go back to watching the TV then.
"Oh! I completely forgot... Pizza!" Matt says abruptly.
"Oh shit!" Karen and I exclaim at the same time.
"Pizza pizza pizza." Arthur sings in an operatic style.
Matt brings the pizza over and we all sit on one sofa. It's quite a tight fit. Matt on the end, then me then Karen then Arthur. He passes one box to Karen and puts the other on his lap. We're silent while eating for a bit.
"Okay," Karen breaks the silence,"I really, and I mean really, have an Otp thing I need you to do." She claps her hands together.
"Oh great." I exclaim sarcastically.
"Matt please can you feed Jen pizza and she can't use her hands??" Karen begs.
"Why?" I moan.
"Just cause....." Karen moans back,"It's aesthetically pleasing."
"You have a problem!" I tell her.
"It's a fangirl thing." She smirks.
"Fine whatever." I stop arguing because I know I can't win,"I like pizza and I like Matt but I don't like you Karen Gillan."

Grumpily, I open my mouth and lean my head back.
"Noooo. Jenna do it properly." Karen pats my arm.
"Fucks sake Karen! I don't have to do this you know." I say sarcastically, sitting up.
"Sssshhhh! You're ruining the moment."
"I don't give a f-" but I can't say anymore because Matt has put the pizza in my mouth. Karen claps her hands together happily. Obviously though Matt being Matt, he can't ever be nice to me. So he then takes the pizza off me, after I've bitten a bit off and takes a massive bite.
"Wow aren't I just surrounded by lovely people."
"You love us really." Kaz says.

Matt hugs me tightly.
"Yeah this is really comfortable." I smile at him sarcastically.
"I'm just showing how much I love you." He smiles sweetly.
"Why's Darvill so quiet?" I ask Karen, leaning forward to see him.
"Oh, he's asleep." She smiles.

Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk about you and me. Let's talk about all the good thing and the bad things that may be. Let's talk about sex.
The song plays on the TV and then goes into the rap. Matt, Karen and I all share shocked locks.
"What a coincidence!" Karen says in a posh British accent.
"I forgot how good this song is." I laugh.
"What do you mean?" Matt asks.
"Well it's like: I don't think this song will be played on the radio. Yeah it will, what's wrong I mean everybody has sex! Or something like that and it's so true." I explain.
"Right... I didn't care that much." He smiles.
"Hey!" I lean against him with as much weight as possible.
"What an effect!" He imitates Karen's posh British accent.
"Fuck you." I smile sweetly at him.
"Yes Jen! That's exactly what I was saying earlier!" Karen grins.

I give her a death look.

Seriously this chapter is kinda a filler but one of the best fillers in my opinion. Anyway I thought this was funny. Leave your opinion in the comments or suggestions or comment if you just wanna chat!

ConsequencesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora