Ren held up his hand to Zeak, "As much as I'm sure you'd enjoy doing something extreme, I wouldn't. Get some rest." He looked at Zeak's broken knuckle, "And get your hand looked at." Ren stepped out of the tea room, rubbed his hand down his face, and felt his exasperation grow. He sighed, before heading to his room, the night soured.
Zeak stood there, his emotions growing as He said, "I told you, this is a pointless endeavor." Zeak stood motionless, his emotions reaching a crescendo, before grabbing one of the small stones held in there to grind the tea leaves if desired, and threw it at the wall as hard as he could. It hit the wall and exploded as the stone hit the stone wall, his breathing ragged as he looked at his hand. Zeak's broken finger looked worse, twisted at a rough degree, and the skin on his palm was grated and torn. Blood slowly ran down his hand. He took a step out of the room, and slowly took a few steps before it was like the blurry darkness around his head filled his entire vision.
Zeak fell to the ground, and his head violently smacked the ground, and for the first time since the corruption started Zeak finally saw Him.
He was tall, impressively so, at over 6'6. He had dark black hair, and piercing blue eyes that seemed charged with power. energy.
His neck was bleeding, dark red blood flowed from the cut as he looked at Zeak. He stood up, took a step forward and grabbed Zeak's throat as he said, "You are the worst host I could have gotten. You're lazy and weak. A coward."
Zeak tried to breathe, trying to grab and stop Him as he shouted, "I AM THE SON OF A FATE! A MEMBER OF THE DREMWILCH FAMILY! I DEMAND RESPECT! POWER!"
Mathew's face twitched as he pushed Zeak down onto his back and applied more and more force. Zeak felt his entire body weaken. It was like his eyes were throbbing and his body shook as Mathew kept pushing down, screaming with rage, "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA THE HUMANS AND DRAGONS ALIKE I HUNTED! I WAS A LIVING GOD!"
Zeak could barely see Mathew as the dark spot in his vision grew. Mathew kept shouting, and shouting, and before Zeak knew what was happening, he was alone in the dark abyssal void, with nothing other than a darkness so powerful it stung.
Mathew opened his eyes, his mind reeling as Zeak's and his own memories collided. Mathew felt his body tremble as Ren opened the door, quickly, and rushed to Zeak's aid.
Ren immediately stopped once he was a few feet past the door, and Zeak was standing. His eyes were red. Crimson red. Ren watched as he blinked, slowly, like he wasn't use to it. It was like watching a dog learn how to walk. It knew the basic actions, but not the perfect execution.
Zeak opened and closed the broken hand as much as it would allow as the swelling was growing. He finally stopped as he said, "I need your help, Ren Li."
Ren felt goosebumps rise on his skin, that wasn't the voice he had just heard. This was a voice of a man who had seen war, and was far older than Zeak.
Ren drew his sword, the sword was a flamberge. It waved in a tight pattern that Ren quickly tried to use to wound this abomination.
Zeak held out his corrupted arm, and the sword got caught in the crimson corruption as he grabbed Ren with his free hand, "I need you, alive, but not well." With a quick jerk he dislocated Ren's left arm and shoved him to the ground.
Ren held in a scream of pain, as Mathew's body rippled, and as his skin moved it healed. Mathew took a step towards Ren, and instinctively Ren backed away.
Mathew grabbed a stone, rolling it in his fingers a few times as he said, leaning towards Ren, "I need you to get me to Kain Fate. I can smell him on you."
A reborn Fate had strange properties, and one of them was a strange smell that lingered for years. It was like old paper. It was hardly noticable, but there.
With a swing, Mathew struck Ren on the side of his head, knocking him out. Mathew dropped the rock, elvish blood dripping from it, as Mathew grabbed the broken hand and the crimson corruption slid over, tunneling through muscle and bone and replaced the shattered knuckle.
Mathew took a breath, grabbed Ren's legs, lifted him onto his back, as he said, "Come on Kyl. Notice this. Notice this and face me like a man."
Mathew carried Ren to the harbor, and his arm transformed itself into a scythe, and by threatening to kill Ren, he took the boat and fled. All Mathew had to do was follow the scent from when Ren left Kain's presence.

Peril Of The Fates
AdventureNine years after Oberon gave Kyl permission to hunt down the remainders of the Fate family their numbers have dwindled. Only four remain to stand against Kyl and Oberon. However a new force enters the arena as a hidden Fate is found, and might allow...