Francine back story

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At the beginning of what Philippa called 'the rebirth' she had decided to emasculate Sissy but she had meant that in a cerebral way, control the mind. She had not thought of physical emasculation until she became friends with Charlotte and was told about Francine. Francine had always, throughout, their relationship and marriage been submissive. However there were times when unwelcome masculine traits would surface. There was sex between them on occasion but it was limited and sometimes Frank, as he was then, would display frustrations and then would be contrite and apologetic but tensions often bubbled up. It had been as much of a problem for Frank as it had been for Charlotte and it was threatening to wreck the marriage. A disciplinary caning would alleviate the immediate problem in that it would get Frank back into line but the underlying problem was always there. They loved each other, there was no doubt, but this was a serious problem that had to be sorted out. At such times that Charlotte would let Frank be carnal she would fantasise that it was a woman she was having sex with. Ok, Frank was a cross dresser but that is not the same. The situation was worsened by Charlotte's sexual withdrawal and Frank's reduction to masturbation. Conversations with other Mistresses in the scene told her this was normal and she just had to put up with it. Charlotte did not see why she had to put up with it. It seemed to her that most Mistresses were not actually 'in charge', dominant when their husbands and boyfriends wanted them to be.

Francine at that time was a part time identity as Frank was a part time maid. Frank realised that something had to be done and one day came across an article on emasculation. He researched over a period of months and came to a decision but would have to pick his time to put it to Charlotte. He had been made redundant due to a company take over and had been offered extremely favourable terms. he decided that this was the time to pitch an idea to Charlotte. She was staggered at such a radical step and did not quite take it all in immediately. He put it to her that she could, if she wanted to, give up the pressure mortgage broking job as part of his pay out could fund her until her dreamed of dress making service could take off. She had dabbled in a minor way for Frank having been appalled at the shoddy standards of items made specifically for cross dressers and had also made the occasional item for people they knew in the scene. He pointed out that they no longer needed the house within a London suburb, it was worth in excess of a million and for less than half of that they could buy a nice place in the West of England where they both came from. That and his pay out could fund a nice lifestyle, he told her, the money would be invested wisely. Charlotte was persuaded. 

As they were finalising the move some weeks later, Francine as he was now known full time, put it to Charlotte that there was another measure that could be taken which would really cement his position. Suspicious she wanted to know what, emasculation he had answered. Charlotte was stunned, that was a massive decision on Francine's part. Charlotte stopped what she was doing and sat down with Francine to discuss it and the reasoning behind it. Francine had obviously thought long and hard about it and had seemingly researched every aspect. Even a clinic had been investigated. Charlotte asked why Francine had said nothing, he answered that he had to get it straight in his own mind. Francine told Charlotte that he would not have mentioned it if he had any doubts and also mentioned that the clinic he had researched had a female surgeon on it's staff which he thought had a delicious irony to it. 

Charlotte loved her Francine even more, he had done that for her, his devotion was that total. She nursed him for a week before letting him get out of bed and then only for brief periods. She had moved him back into her room while she had two decorators in to redecorate Francine's room, the two women who did the decorating assumed they were doing it for a woman, Francine wanted it to be a feminine room. He loved the attention but was eager to get back to service but Charlotte told him it would be the full six weeks that was recommended. It would be three weeks before the crotch padding could be reduced.

A year after the op Francine was fully recovered and happier than she had been in years and the same applied to Charlotte. Francine was living full time dressed as a female now, a full time maid and assistant in the dressmaking business. He was  a constant source of surprise for his Mistress and one day out of the blue said 'Mistress, I think you should take a lover', Charlotte had not expected that and was clearly surprised 'perhaps another lady Mistress', he had been aware for years that Charlotte went that way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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